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Ship acceleration test data

Jul 17, 2003 Arolte link
Believe it or not, I didn't. You're just not reading my posts. Sorry, don't want this to get off topic, but Roguelazer needs to get slapped.

Jul 17, 2003 slappyknappy link
Can we drop the syntax debate, and prevent this from turning into another flame war. Please?

Who cares who said what first, when, or why? I know I don't.

I'd like to know about turn-rate data, though. Does anybody have any conclusive data that shows which ships turns faster than others?

-Jean SW

PS - Kid: thanks for the initial post. That's good info.
Jul 23, 2003 The Kid link
I'll be doing something similar with med engine soon... but I'm not getting much playing time now.