Forums » Suggestions
vendetta for Iphone
Hey, when a release for iphone John..
[stamp of kthxbai]™
Even a newb could find this after using an exceedingly simple query with the forum's built-in search engine.
to be fair the message board search engine is a piece of crap (unless you compare it to search engines from the late 90's) but the old thread is still on the first couple pages so manually looking should have found it too!
It's not the best but it works. And if you don't like it use google.
And as Miharu said (insightfully, but very rudely I might add!), it would have turned up with a one word search just for "iPhone"
isn't Miharu the built in search engine?
No, I just know how to use the built-in search engine because I can read instructions. :P
ew, instructions.
I like the Homer Simpson approach;)
I like the Homer Simpson approach;)
only search engines from the late 90's like altavista needed instructions!