Forums » Suggestions
Removing FF in the Race Tubes or /group ff on/off
just wondering if there was a way to remove FF in the sectors with tubes? We had a good turnout of racers for the Weapons race, but players of the same faction couldn't hit each other. If you can't do that, how about a different kind of group? /ffgroup. Or a setting inside the group to turn FF off for the group members only.
/group FF on/off.
just a thought.
EDIT: i know the ff redux is in progress, but another temporary fix to a permanet problem :p also i bet /guild FF on/off could be very effective for the time being.
/group FF on/off.
just a thought.
EDIT: i know the ff redux is in progress, but another temporary fix to a permanet problem :p also i bet /guild FF on/off could be very effective for the time being.
Excellent idea! Perhaps turn it off in b8 and corvus stations too.
You know, I have mentioned this in the past. Setup missions for events and those who take the mission has FF turned off in that sector only.