Forums » Suggestions
Mad Miner Moda's uber wish list!
Guild bank lua integration: Want to be able to access the entire table and not have to call a function then trap an event to parse the returned 6 line data. Plays hell with large guild bank logs, like TGFT has (over 400 pages)
Ship names: Am working on some interesting scheme to allow this on the client side only, would be nice to see this on other ppl's ships.
graphing capability in game: One of the coolest things you can do is show graphs, gives better understanding of things like buy/sell price fall off/growth over time, pvp performance evaluations, etc..
Crafting tab: to show stuff like inventory stock piles at the current station and how many items of x you can make, i.e. widowmakers, superlights, bots, etc...
Better chat layout: some new layout for the chat system like tabs (see my channel log plugin for testing on that) or some other setup because the current setup can get brutal with heavy traffic.
Clocks: We need some type of gmt to local time converter, clock display. Perhaps even an alert timer when you are static queen hunting.
forums: Need something to show number of new posts and which threads are new/unread. Need instant/daily/weekly email notification on replies to topics. Feature to show all new posts since last visit.
Knowledge base!
Mission tree posting! We need some layout for the mission tree's, new missions get rolled out and I think most people are unaware of their locations or what they do. Some type of tree viewer is in order!!!
Plugin manager: Plugins should have some type of manager that can be disabled/enabled so updates and the like will not cause client issues or errors. Errors from plugins would be disabled and the user would have to upgrade them or remove them.
navmap editing! I want to see multiple routes being plotted on the navmap, the ability to add different sector colors for various flags, Point plot locations i.e. storms, buddies, guild members, events, hive locations, etc.... Allow the user to select which color to use for this.
Guild storage! Some way that guild/group members can share resources. Have rental spaces at each station or station type where you can store a larger amount of items, can be used for group/guild missions or contracts.
more to come
Ship names: Am working on some interesting scheme to allow this on the client side only, would be nice to see this on other ppl's ships.
graphing capability in game: One of the coolest things you can do is show graphs, gives better understanding of things like buy/sell price fall off/growth over time, pvp performance evaluations, etc..
Crafting tab: to show stuff like inventory stock piles at the current station and how many items of x you can make, i.e. widowmakers, superlights, bots, etc...
Better chat layout: some new layout for the chat system like tabs (see my channel log plugin for testing on that) or some other setup because the current setup can get brutal with heavy traffic.
Clocks: We need some type of gmt to local time converter, clock display. Perhaps even an alert timer when you are static queen hunting.
forums: Need something to show number of new posts and which threads are new/unread. Need instant/daily/weekly email notification on replies to topics. Feature to show all new posts since last visit.
Knowledge base!
Mission tree posting! We need some layout for the mission tree's, new missions get rolled out and I think most people are unaware of their locations or what they do. Some type of tree viewer is in order!!!
Plugin manager: Plugins should have some type of manager that can be disabled/enabled so updates and the like will not cause client issues or errors. Errors from plugins would be disabled and the user would have to upgrade them or remove them.
navmap editing! I want to see multiple routes being plotted on the navmap, the ability to add different sector colors for various flags, Point plot locations i.e. storms, buddies, guild members, events, hive locations, etc.... Allow the user to select which color to use for this.
Guild storage! Some way that guild/group members can share resources. Have rental spaces at each station or station type where you can store a larger amount of items, can be used for group/guild missions or contracts.
more to come
Ship names.... YES THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!
Ehm, they are kinda high on my wish list too;) Has been for around three and a half years now (my first suggestion post).
If you can make that tick Moda... Did I mention that you are the best?
Ehm, they are kinda high on my wish list too;) Has been for around three and a half years now (my first suggestion post).
If you can make that tick Moda... Did I mention that you are the best?
ship names would be very cool.
Very much agree with names.
Agree to all of the above.
here we go
You've Just Earned The "Uber" Achievement!
Here is another one. Filtering!
This applies to the large/small port items. There is to much junk there and I hope this to make things easier to find. You can filter by the bottom middle list.
BTW. the typo is already corrected.
This applies to the large/small port items. There is to much junk there and I hope this to make things easier to find. You can filter by the bottom middle list.
BTW. the typo is already corrected.
Moda had the Uber medal for like ages.
/me scrounges around to find an Uber UBER medal
/me scrounges around to find an Uber UBER medal
Not much can be done with the guild bank, will need more functions from the dev's for that to happen.
while we are at it. Uberbump and a pointer in the general direction of SHIPS NAMES
Hey, we have a BS countdown timer now, that was on your list.
Indeed so! I updated the list to, forgot about that one.