Forums » Suggestions

HUD and Cockpit.

Jul 12, 2003 Rabid Panda link
I would like to see different huds for different ships, like heavy ships would be based more on ammo then speed and orientation, and visa versa for fast, small ships. Perhaps for the smaller ships, There would be a large, but ultimately pointless gyroscope that spun with the ship and would would just generally look damn cool. For the heavy ships I'm thinking of ulilizing the fact that the FOV is fisheyed and that you would have an array of weapons that were all in a row in the middle of the HUD, with a open spot in the middle to see what you are shooting at, primary on the left, secondary on the right, tertiary on the top and would shift around like liquid when you switched weapons around.

Why can't we see any of the cockpit? I would think that we could at least see some of it like in Macross Zero with the YF-19, or like in this picture . Just some thoughts on how this really really lame HUD and Cockpit system could be spiced up.
Jul 12, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
It's doing what it is supposed to do. Of course it will change eventually.
Jul 12, 2003 Arolte link
I asked, and the devs said that there won't be any cockpit rendering in the final version. There will however be the option to customize the HUD. I also requested back in the days of 3.1.11 to make HUD designs specific to the type of ship you're flying, so I'm with you on that suggestion.
Sep 01, 2003 oninoshiko link
my only complaint about the HUD is the radar, WC had a much easier to use radar IMHO it had 3 rings, the center ring was you field of vision (whats in front of you), the middle ring is what it beside you and the outer ring is what is behind you. this way you only look at ONE radar screen, much better for combat.
Aug 30, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Another idea, if the cockpit will ever be viewable, is you are purchase "frames" or something to put your own pictures into to remind you of home during long campaigns. Pilots from all ages put pictures of hopes, dreams and hot girls in their cockpits to boost their own moral. This would be a pretty cool thing to add later on.
Aug 31, 2003 roguelazer link
The first post came directly out of the archives, shameless copy+paste. And Panda isn't even a CHUD.
Aug 31, 2003 Rabid Panda link
What? Really? That's kinda odd considering that I had the AIM logs for the conversation about the first post with FiReMaGe. You know you really should paste the thread that you claim is in the archives. If you look at the date of the original post, you will notice that it's kinda old, I just didn't want to post a whole new topic since this is kinda relevant still.

Care to explain? I know I'm none of these.
Sep 01, 2003 Demonen link
The HUD should atleast reflect your nation.
Gold/Blue/Red HUD.
Should take no more than half a day to implemet for a bored dev.
Do the devs ever get bored and have nothing to do? Probably not :)
Sep 01, 2003 roguelazer link
Cannabalistic Humaniod Underground Dweller. The Forum Mod invented it I think. And I will get the post from the archives rather soon, yes I will...
Sep 01, 2003 Demonen link
I'm sitting here and thinking: Who gives a ****?

I can post this exact message in 2 weeks if I feel the exact same then. Who cares if it has been posted before?

Is there a limit to the amount of posts on this board?
Sep 01, 2003 roguelazer link
Just wondering why he felt the need to revive it.
Sep 02, 2003 Arolte link
I like the current radar. Anyway, the devs already confirmed that customizable HUDs will be available in the future.
Sep 02, 2003 slappyknappy link
CHUD... what a horrible movie.
Sep 03, 2003 paedric link
[quote]CHUD... what a horrible movie.[/quote]

It wasn't even THAT good.
Sep 06, 2003 Phaserlight link
I liked the nuclear physicist bum
Sep 07, 2003 furball link
I would like to see the following for the hud:

A) Copy part of the target display over to putting the info ABOVE the target square. Specifically put the target name, distance, speed, and closing speed above the target square. IE the little red/yellow square that is around your specificied target.
Sep 07, 2003 Phaserlight link
rate of closure would indeed be very helpful, particularly when firing rockets, or dodging them.
Sep 08, 2003 toshiro link
it would also allow for better IFF (later on, friendly fire will be enabled, or so i heard), even now i had people shooting at me (and me shooting at people)unintentionally, because of aiming at the wrong guy.
would make for a lot of hassles later on. imagine killing s/o in his hard-earned special ship...