Forums » Suggestions

Player Created Hive Missions

Sep 10, 2008 Surbius link
Much akin to how Border Skirmish is run, someone can start a group, select the Hive Skirmish mission and invite people to join the group. Players can be of any type of low level player, KOS with the faction that mission comes from, and anything else.

However, the mission still shows up on the mission board to other people and multiple groups can be in the same mission. If the mission is won it is a victory to all groups and vise versa.

Sep 11, 2008 momerath42 link
How is this different from what is there? The same Hive Skirmish mission can currently be taken by multiple people, and they will be automatically grouped.
Sep 11, 2008 Surbius link
Essentially while someone has a group open before accepting the mission, they have over group members and is able to select the mission and everyone can tag along.

It makes group missions more convenient instead of having to disband the group and then for each member to individually sign up for the mission.