Forums » Suggestions
Territory Fighting
Eh, whatever, I give up.
Eh, whatever, I give up.
We would need new ships before that happens buddy. In fact alot of stuff would need to happen before territories
nah wouldn't need new ships other stuff yes. but i agree with the good doctor here
ArAel, stop posting threads. You are just gonna end up ruining this game.
This is so cliche
Horgrathi: I don't know how well that would actually pan out with VO as it is right now. Maybe something similar but better suited for the times.
And this trend of 'off-topicness' is looking real pathetic.
And this trend of 'off-topicness' is looking real pathetic.
i believe that the devs have something in the worls for at least Itani and Serco to be able to take sectors or something of the sort
havocdreams how long have you been here. seriously STFU or learn to deal.
You STFU, you dont know who I am in the game. This is not my name in the game. I could be anyone. So shut it.
Down, Havocdreams, down! Believe it or not, there are people who have different opinions from your own. Shocking!
hoavocdreams i could say the same about my name. but you know you started the personal attack. i tried to answer your question with a good explanation for the current system. correct or not it fits the "powercell" idea. and for territory theres not much need to implement new ships for it. new ships are always nice but not a necessity.
ArAel. The suggestions are a way to say our opinions to improve the game. You go around and refuting our ideas. How helpful is that. Maybe thats why this game hasnt gotten that far because we have people like you ArAel who are refuting all our ideas.
I think that's a great idea. The Devs should just go right ahead and start implementing every idea that comes along, without any discussion or thought whatsoever!
Now that would certainly make a great game.
Now that would certainly make a great game.
Main Entry: refute
Pronunciation: \ri-'fyüt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): re·fut·ed; re·fut·ing
Etymology: Latin refutare to check or to suppress
Date: 1545
Defintion: to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous
Yes, that's pretty much what keeps happening to your sorry ass, Havocdreams.
Pronunciation: \ri-'fyüt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): re·fut·ed; re·fut·ing
Etymology: Latin refutare to check or to suppress
Date: 1545
Defintion: to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous
Yes, that's pretty much what keeps happening to your sorry ass, Havocdreams.
They have priorities, let them work on them. I believe territory capture is high up there.
They have priorities, let them work on them. I believe territory capture is high up there.
sigh havoc you have no posts beyond a week ago i tire of you trying to be a troll.
ArAel, your comprehension is limited. I have more than one account. So your detective work fails again. Epic failure. And Dr. Lecter, go screw ArAel's ass for once.
havoc you just keep making me laugh. remember lifes short and vo is a game. you started attacking my views. i offered a viable solution you chose your path go live on as a troll somewhere, and if you really want i can sell you a bridge in brooklyn to live under... cash only small bills all purchases final.
oh this is for you
oh this is for you
More high ground: Not in evidence in this thread.