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Jun 19, 2003 The Kid link
Ok price, maybe twice (or three times) as much, but how many people fly a centurion over a valk? One that I know (me), because I don't fly a valk AT ALL.
Jun 19, 2003 Phoenix_I link
The valk needs more Hp, I'd say 12500. 3 shots of quad sunflares from a hornet and the valks toast. So stop your damn whining. you have 16 shots per sunflare. I think you can take out a valk, lets see. you only need to hit 3/16. Even if you have no skill at all, you can take down a valk. Agility means nothing if you get close enough, even with very high agility you can't get out of the way fast enough. Most of you people whining about the valk are people that have never even used it and don't know how hard it is. It's not some god weapon. The Devs have reduced it to some lame childs toy. When are you guys gonna learn that some ships you can't take out alone. Are you gonna whine like little girls when the frigate comes out player controllable? Waaah it has 500,000 hp. Reduce it to 10,000 because I want to be able to take it out.. waaaaahhhh.
Jun 19, 2003 Soul-Burn link
Sorry to be nitpicky, the vult has only 2 slots.. did u mean the hornet?

I know the valk isn't a god weapon, and quite frankly, I, as a n00bie, don't feel it's great agility advantage, the cursor still shakes like mad and I don't feel it's that manuverable... not much more than a vult.. imo.
Jun 19, 2003 Phoenix_I link
Yes, I meant to say hornet...
Jun 19, 2003 slappyknappy link
I want a ship the same size and agility at the Centurion, with 1 L instead of 1 s, but only 100Hp :-)

[edit] OK, I posted that as a joke, but now that I think about it, it would be kinda fun :-)
Jun 19, 2003 The Kid link
Phoenix: not like the valk can't toast the hornet before thr hornet can?
Jun 19, 2003 roguelazer link
slappyknappy: Call it the "High-Speed Avalon Bomb"
Jun 19, 2003 beady link
10k HP is fine in my opinion, and I fly the Valk almost all the time. It's all a case of using a ships abilities to their fullest. Don't go toe to toe with a quad sunflare Hornet, keep your distance and wear it down with a energy weapon. Only close in when you've determined it's ammo has run out or when it turns to run away.

Also agree with Celebrium on the heavy ship issue, I don't think any of them (Wraith, Ragnarok or the Prometheus) are tough enough for how easy they are to land hits on, with the possible exception of the Prom, it's good at keeping pressure on you since it can turn quick enough to keep you in it's fire arc.

Yay 1st post. \o/

-and, and_but_red, and_only_gold
Jun 19, 2003 Arolte link
First of all, BACK OFF if you keep dying in a Valkyrie so much. Fight from a distance. Valkyries are a lot harder to hit from a distance. I personally still have trouble taking down Valkyries in my Hornet in one on one battles. The reason? Most of the time I end up boosting away because the Valk pilot carries sunflares and/or gauss. Why? Because it's hard for me to get close to a Valk of this configuration when all I use are quad gravitons most of the time. Do I whine? No. I suck it up and use teamwork and stealth to give me the advantage.

Second of all, the gauss cannon has an insanely high aimbot system. Its speed either needs to be reduced or the aimbot needs to be toned down. Or maybe even both. Rocket ramming is still a problem in the latest release. I mean not just boosting up to your opponent and firing rockets point blank, but the usage of rockets for ALL the weapon ports. This is a guaranteed instant kill regardless of what ship you're using. Even a bus can get quick kills with one sunflare launcher equipped. The reason? Quick reload time and high damage. Two or three bursts of triple sunflares is JUST AS LETHAL as two bursts of quad sunflares. Don't you think the higher agility of the Valkyrie offsets that extra single shot per burst? I would most certainly think so! If you can't dodge 50m/s quad sunflares in a highly agile ship such as the Valkyrie, maybe you need to improve on your piloting skills instead. Anyway, the main issue here is the weapons themselves; not the ships.

Sorry for repeating myself a million times here, but you guys are overlooking the fact that all those easy kills can be traced back to the same exact weapons every time. We haven't heard any complaints about any other weapons being used to get easy Valkyrie kills, have we? Doesn't that say anything to you? How 'bout we wait on doing anything more on the Valkyrie until those weapons have been balanced.
Jun 19, 2003 cembandit link
Celeb has some good points, we should conisder ourselves parants to a whole gen of future players, or something like that. One thing about the balance of costs that bothers me -
equipment. Lets look at the cost of a good centurion.

Centurion 1200 Credits
Heavy Engine 4000 Credits
Fast Charge Battery 4600 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Totat Centurion Cost 14,600 Credits

Now Lets see the cost of a vulture

Vulture 2200 Credits
Heavy Engine 4000 Credits
Fast Charge Battery 4600 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Total Vulture Cost 20,400 Credits

And last, lets see the valk.

Valkyrie 21000 Credits
Heavy Engine 4000 Credits
Fast Charge Battery 4600 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Tachyon Blaster 4800 Credits
Total Valkyrie Cost 44,000 Credits

As you can see the cost of the cent is only 1/3 of the cost of a valk. A vulture is only about 1/2 of the cost of the valkyrie.

The gains you get by buying cheaper ships are quickley reduced by equipment that cost many times more then your ship does.

The solution? Make the cheaper equipment more effective for light mass ships then the heavy equipment. Then all equipment in the game will get used. Give the cheaper weapons a higher repeat rate, making them ideal for autoaim off.

For people like me who skim posts Ill say the key sentance one more time

The solution? Make the cheaper equipment more effective for light mass ships then the heavy equipment is.

Jun 19, 2003 Arolte link
Hmm... I wonder what would happen if they turned autoaim for all weapons off except the free plasma gun and the gatling turret. It would certainly make lengthier and more dramatic battles, no? Ooops... goin' off topic.
Jun 19, 2003 roguelazer link
I still say all weapons should be contact-only...
Jun 19, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
that would get rid of the flares.
and we dont want to make ANY weapon useless
give them *mabye* a 5m det radius
And tone down the guass a bit, the aimbot is so screwy the only reason I can dodge em is with my patented Squarrel Roll :P
Jun 19, 2003 RattMann link
Sorry folks...I didn't mean to stir up a s**t storm over the Valk. As always, Arolte makes some excellent points and Celebrim as well. It's just that the Valk has been steadily "down graded" since it's introduction. I don't suggest that it be returned to the beginning (16,000 hp), but I thought that 12,000 was OK. As it is now, it's still a good ship. and I'm sure I'll continue to fly them for a while, but the loss of luster makes the Cr21,000 cost seem a bit high, hence the brief "whine".....

Jun 20, 2003 Arolte link
Maybe it could be cheaper. I agree that the cost is too high to justify its list of available features. And the quicker the weapons are balanced, the more you'll see why all that excess hull wasn't needed for the Valkyrie after all.
Jun 20, 2003 Phoenix_I link
Arolte, A hornet pilot can "turbo" yes turbo to add additional speed to thier quad sunflares, have you ever dodged 200m/s sunflares leaving a ship 500m in front of u? u have 2 seconds to react and even if u reacted before they fired the weapons, u wouldn't be able to move fast enough. Arolte the problem is not that guass and sunflares are too powerful, the problem is the other weapons are too weak. give the other weapons more advantages.
Jun 20, 2003 Daon Rendiv link
Having played with just about every weapon (still a few to go) the problem in the Gauss/Sunflare balance is the ease of damaging. Reduce sunflare splash slightly, and lower Gauss autoaim slightly. That should fix the problem.
Jun 20, 2003 Craigus Meridius link
Look guys, Stop going on about how much this or that cost's!!

If u want to balance the game then make the money harder to get!!! For petes sake. Trading from 14-15 will earn over 100k. From 14-18 u will earn over 200k!!! a couple of runs each way and u can easily earn a fortune!! Some players currently have over 1 million in credits and more in stocked trade goods.

Now that makes the game unbalanced, if ur a new player or u dont have the time to play for long periods.

In 3.1 - money was a lot less and players could actually get 'Bussed' by other players, if they were getting out of hand. Nowdays, things like that dont matter?

Ok, some weapons are priced quiet high, adv gat gun or the Avalon Torpedo, but then they are effective weapons and should cost more!! So.. make money harder to get, or cut the profit down... (/me knows that this will cause a few roits!!)

A prime exaple of this was Uncle Dave boasting about pirating 6.4million off players in sec 14, in a few days!!
Now to me thats not fair.

Well guys/ girls ur thoughts!!

White Magic.

Ps. Yes, the Valk has been stripped, but remember guys its a Fighter, More armour = less manuverability.

PPs its nice to see a prom run now after a few hits... ;D

PPS - (My crap idea)i think the devs should put a limit of how many of the same types of weapons we are allowed toput on a ship..Ie. two of each type Maxium. this will balance things a bit better!! ;(

Jun 20, 2003 The Kid link
you can move 55 a second with medium engine, so you're way out of range of sunflares in 2 seconds (yes without turbo).
Jun 20, 2003 Arolte link
I've never really had a problem dodging rockets during boost. Since my enemy can only boost straight ahead, I simply dodge out of the way the moment I see yellow dots on my rear radar. It's not impossible to do, trust me. I've done it on the older and slower Hornet against triple sunflare Valkyrie ships! You just need to recognize the threat ahead of time. Keep your eye on the rear radar when you're boosting away to safety.

Well, at least you guys are beginning to acknowledge that this is a weapon issue rather than a ship issue. That's a step up. Thanks for listening with an open mind.

And for what it's worth, I too think that the quad sunflare Hornet config is lame. I only use it if I'm really pissed at someone. Yes, it can be deadly if the target isn't paying attention, but at the very least those rockets aren't in a spread pattern (four in a row). So it's not like the proximity is any different than a triple sunflare Valkyrie.

Anyway, I'm just as eager to see the weapons get balanced out as much as the rest of you guys. I never liked using rockets in 3.2.x. Even though I tend to run away from a gauss or sunflare Valkyrie on a regular basis, I still enjoy using quad gravitons because it makes the game more fun and challenging for me.