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UIT combat mission(s)

Jul 23, 2007 moldyman link
Oh, and some Serco complain that itani don't take the mission now. If this would be implemented Shank's way, wait to hear the cries of foul as people don't bother with the mission!
Jul 23, 2007 ShankTank link
1)Yeah, sorry 'bout that... Was kind of making some stuff up as I wrote. If anything conflicts just listen to the later one posted, 'm tired.

2)It's a faster route to some places the UIT or other UIT companies might be shipping to. UIT have big pockets and impatient customers, what can I say?

3)Not constant (otherwise the defenders would have an extreme advantage), and the loot really wouldn't matter cause it would disappear/be locked up instantly when dropped, then the share might be equal to killing 4 BP bots, same for experience. Also it would only be a 1-system chase otherwise there would be no mission kill credit, and the defenders would get just as much credit for having the moth not die. I guess the reason why I said there would be no escorts is because there would be a BS-type fight going on at the same time and really nothing following the behemoths. If a pirate player would join and not a defender than there would be an npc escort to fill for the the un-showing player and that escort would increase in size as pirate players joined. Same for trader players to pirate attackers. So if you really think about it, it would be in favor of the traders/protectors if it comforts you at all...

And you'll have to excuse any punctuation, spelling, or grammar errors... tis late.

Finally: The unrat content is begging for content and if lag is being complained about if they're all in everey sector, then put them in one BP/BS-like sector says I...

Also: stop complaining and understand that I'm trying to be productive. That post is not written in stone it is there to spark other ideas about how to fill in the currently less exciting pirate-UIT content. I mean to start the ideas not make the ideas.
Jul 23, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
It's only a complaint if you see it in that light.

While an exact copy of BP might not make a whole lot of sense, a different kind of combat mission might. The devs were asking for suggestions on the new unrat behavior, which seems related to this type of thing, since it would be cheesy for the pirates to just suddenly jump in from nowhere; it'd be much better if they actually launched from Odia, Sedina or Bractus, collected all in one sector, and made the assault together.

What I'm envisioning is something similar to the escort missions, where a pirate group would make a round of UIT space, and return with the spoils. NPC groups would launch every so often, like the escorts, and any time before launch the players could join up. Bonuses for the kinds of ships destroyed, and cargo returned, since it's in the best interest of the Syndicate to 'forage' needed supplies from their enemy corporations. The factions could play a role as well. "Double rewards for any Axia kills registered." The only new thing it'd require really is different NPC attack behavior. The rest is handled just like escorts missions currently are.
Jul 23, 2007 ShankTank link
Hmmmmm, this is an interesting idea... but what do you mean by making a round through UIT space? Unless the ships are really fast, they wouldn't make it past the guards, and the guards with thier aerna seekers were built to not be able to be destroyed. You can take out a lot of them if you have say flares to rid of the aernas, but nothing as taking them out and being able to say "Sector Cleared... Move Along." So it's an interesting idea if you only have them patrol gray. Basically you're saying to keep the same idea as last time but sort of have the pirates patrol instead of blockade... Again this would be a fun idea if it was done correctly... But this thread is about some UIT combat missions... So this really wouldn't add much to thier side besides a few more attackers for convoys. Unless there was another UIT mission to counter that where they sent out just a single unrespawning UIT strike force to take out the pirates. Then this would be rather fun, I guess.