Forums » Suggestions
EMP Weapons Revisited
I have my flame retardant suit on here, as I know this has been posted at least twice already. However, I haven\'t yet seen anyone describe in detail how these could work, and how they could be implemented fairly.
Also, apologies in advance for the lengthy post.
My vision of an EMP weapon could be in two forms:
1) A loosely guided missile with an EMP warhead which creates a localised pulse disabling a single vessel (relatively inexpensive).
2) A large port EMP generator which requires a shedload of energy (i.e. a hevy cell\'s worth) to generate a pulse which disables any ship within radar range. (expensive)
In both cases, the intention is defensive (i.e. trader is attacked by pirate, trader paralyzes pirate\'s ship for a duration long enough to make his escape), however, as with all weapons it will fall into the \'wrong hands\' and be used offensively by pirates and griefers (i.e. pirate attacks trader with EMP, paralyzes trader\'s ship for a duration long enough to destroy it).
However, there is one safeguard. The way I envision these weapons working is as follows:
A ship is hit by an EMP. This pulse overloads all electronic equipment on the vessel, disabling it. If the ship is moving, it continues to move at the same velocity if the user is in physics mode, or will coast to a stop in flight assist mode (n.b. maybe the physics mode rule should apply in both cases - flight assist would require functional engines?), and the pilot can no longer control it.
This overloaded state feeds off the stored energy in the ship\'s power cell at a particular rate, and the cell attempts to continue charging. Once the cell is depleted, the overloaded state is removed and the cell begins to recharge as normal.
Now this is the key point of my suggestion. With this logic, a free power cell would empty very quickly and the state of paralysis would only last a very short time. A heavy power cell would take longer to deplete. A fast / ultra charge power cell would take even longer as the cell would charge for longer while overloaded, meaning that the overall depletion rate is very slow. Following this model, a new player would be (relatively) safe from harm from these weapons, but a higher level player would be at the mercy of the device for much longer.
What do you think?
Also, apologies in advance for the lengthy post.
My vision of an EMP weapon could be in two forms:
1) A loosely guided missile with an EMP warhead which creates a localised pulse disabling a single vessel (relatively inexpensive).
2) A large port EMP generator which requires a shedload of energy (i.e. a hevy cell\'s worth) to generate a pulse which disables any ship within radar range. (expensive)
In both cases, the intention is defensive (i.e. trader is attacked by pirate, trader paralyzes pirate\'s ship for a duration long enough to make his escape), however, as with all weapons it will fall into the \'wrong hands\' and be used offensively by pirates and griefers (i.e. pirate attacks trader with EMP, paralyzes trader\'s ship for a duration long enough to destroy it).
However, there is one safeguard. The way I envision these weapons working is as follows:
A ship is hit by an EMP. This pulse overloads all electronic equipment on the vessel, disabling it. If the ship is moving, it continues to move at the same velocity if the user is in physics mode, or will coast to a stop in flight assist mode (n.b. maybe the physics mode rule should apply in both cases - flight assist would require functional engines?), and the pilot can no longer control it.
This overloaded state feeds off the stored energy in the ship\'s power cell at a particular rate, and the cell attempts to continue charging. Once the cell is depleted, the overloaded state is removed and the cell begins to recharge as normal.
Now this is the key point of my suggestion. With this logic, a free power cell would empty very quickly and the state of paralysis would only last a very short time. A heavy power cell would take longer to deplete. A fast / ultra charge power cell would take even longer as the cell would charge for longer while overloaded, meaning that the overall depletion rate is very slow. Following this model, a new player would be (relatively) safe from harm from these weapons, but a higher level player would be at the mercy of the device for much longer.
What do you think?
the problem with an emp weapon is just the fact its unbalanced
here a simple senario 5 itanis and 3 serco doing BP sercos are getting owned enven in there SCP's :P one serco pilots jumps in alone all the itani pilots rush towards it with there valks and ibgs and pew sector goes offline with EMP 2 serco pilots jump with other ships and take out the itani pilots.
a trader a pirate with a type X an emp and a law neut
trader jumps in pirate chases gets close fires the EMP and pew more trader
senario3 a trader moth with emp pirates can try but they will always fail
there is a way to fix this
you have to Charge the EMP to 1000 before you can fire and depending on how far you are the disabled time last longer or shorter and there would be a blue ish dot on the radar to indicate

here a simple senario 5 itanis and 3 serco doing BP sercos are getting owned enven in there SCP's :P one serco pilots jumps in alone all the itani pilots rush towards it with there valks and ibgs and pew sector goes offline with EMP 2 serco pilots jump with other ships and take out the itani pilots.
a trader a pirate with a type X an emp and a law neut
trader jumps in pirate chases gets close fires the EMP and pew more trader
senario3 a trader moth with emp pirates can try but they will always fail
there is a way to fix this
you have to Charge the EMP to 1000 before you can fire and depending on how far you are the disabled time last longer or shorter and there would be a blue ish dot on the radar to indicate

iunno about "disable". can we just have it deplete targets of battery energy? Sort of a neutralizer, because it uses all your energy to do it, but they get stuck in the same boat. Great for energyless weapons, like rockets.
Speaking of that, how about a mining beam that grabs energy? lol
Speaking of that, how about a mining beam that grabs energy? lol
It has been (sort of) agreed upon that disabling a ship is a Bad Thing(tm) in Vendetta Online. Could we get off that topic, please?
If a ship were to be disabled, even if only for a few seconds, it would be effectively dead if the opponent is still around and has weapons. I'm much more in favour of Fnugget's idea, to have it deplete your energy as well as the target's. This would make it more of a tactical weapon (CTC for example, but really just as an example).
Furthermore, it should not be AOE. That would be way too overpowered. Make it an 'energy sink' that sucks all the energy out of the ship and converts it into heat, thereby melting, and glowing like a crazed light bulb (mmm eye candy). Contact only.
If a ship were to be disabled, even if only for a few seconds, it would be effectively dead if the opponent is still around and has weapons. I'm much more in favour of Fnugget's idea, to have it deplete your energy as well as the target's. This would make it more of a tactical weapon (CTC for example, but really just as an example).
Furthermore, it should not be AOE. That would be way too overpowered. Make it an 'energy sink' that sucks all the energy out of the ship and converts it into heat, thereby melting, and glowing like a crazed light bulb (mmm eye candy). Contact only.