Forums » Suggestions


May 08, 2007 Cunjo link
Give us a way to order the items in the station hold already... or at the very least, make them ordered by default. I get really really tired of unloading weapons at a station to find that they got shuffled in with everything else, and are a pain in the ass to extract again. So please, have the station hold sort by type, or alphabetically, or SOMETHING... it should be relatively easy to do, so if we can't have weapons stack, at least make them easier to find.

May 08, 2007 LeberMac link
Even better, allow us to make our own "Containers", as many as we want, and nest them.
May 08, 2007 Cunjo link
I like that idea, Leebs... it would go well along with being able to name our own presets.
May 08, 2007 upper case link
it'd be just fine if

1x dev posittron disruptor
1x dev posittron disruptor
1x dev posittron disruptor
1x dev posittron disruptor
1x dev posittron disruptor

actually was put down as

5x bad ass weapon
May 08, 2007 MSKanaka link
I'd like the load/unload interface to...

1) Until weapons/equipment are stackable:
- Have the list NOT automatically make the "highlighted" item the one at the top of the list.
- Have the list NOT highlight the item at the top of the list every time the station updates. I simply cannot count how many times I have selected an item and moved to hit the "load" button and had the wrong item sent into my cargo hold because the item at the top of the list had been selected automatically in the time it took me to move the mouse to hit the "Load" button or to hit the L key. It is extremely annoying.
- As Cunjo suggests, let us sort the list ourselves, or at the very least sort the list automatically by item type/name, ignoring ammo count in the case of ammunition-based weapons.

2) When the interface allows them to be stackable:
- User-defined containers ftw. Yes please.
- Let us still be able to sort things manually or automatically by name/type of equipment.
- Same deal as above with the highlighted item. Don't shift the highlighted item to the top unless the player leaves the station OR selects that item themselves.