Forums » Suggestions

Single Clock

Apr 30, 2007 Rejected link
I was just thinking it might be easier to meet up with people if one clock was added so that everyone can rendez-vous at the same time, if they wanted to do group missions or so..
Apr 30, 2007 moldyman link
Type /time. Welcome to GMT, the timezone that doesn't have daylight savings.
May 01, 2007 who? me? link
well at least make /time use the server's time and not the players computers time.
May 01, 2007 MSKanaka link
/time is GMT, not your computer's local time, not your neighbor's computer's local time, not my computer's local time. It is GMT, and it always has been.
May 01, 2007 a1k0n link
/time is the player's computer's time, offset into the GMT timezone, and not the server's time, offset into the GMT timezone.
May 01, 2007 who? me? link
ha take that mskanaka

EDIT: wouldn't it make more sense for /time to get the server's time and offset it to GMT so that everyone was on the same time?
May 02, 2007 Antz link
Could you make it show server time (I assume servers run GMT)? It doesn't matter if it is off by a few seconds or howevermuch ntp drifts as long as it is the same for everyone.
May 02, 2007 Demonen link
Doesn't everyone NTP theese days anyway?
Does it really matter if it's my computers time represented in GMT?


Anyway, it'd be a lot more fun if it did Milwakee time, offset to the year of Vendetta.
Do Itani still call it "February"? Do Serco have an "October"?

May 02, 2007 toshiro link
You've become awfully trollish, Demonen...

Anyway, I'm in favour of keeping it GMT, but server-based, like Antz said, because it's easier to convert from something to GMT than from something to something else, and because of the importance of the time being equal for everyone.
May 02, 2007 moldyman link
Unecessary use of bandwidth. Maybe when you first connect, it'll do a sanity check and make sure your time is the Right Time(tm). It's a small use of data packets, but every little bit helps when lag makes your shots not register.
May 02, 2007 toshiro link
Right Time™.

But yeah, initial matching would be sufficient, since if a computer cannot keep track within the space of a few hours, there is something else wrong with it.