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Advanced Targeting System add-on

Apr 11, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
The current [edit]lead off indicator[/edit] feature is linear. If your target is moving in a direction at 30 m/s, it triangulates the position the target will be at in the time it would take for one of your shots to hit. It assumes that your target will continue in a straight line, and will never miss if that condition is satisfied.

The Advanced Targeting System would fit snugly into a small port, and would calculate the position your target would be at in the time it takes for a shot from your primary guns to hit, but would be based on data over the target's acceleration up to one second (or more/less, modified for balance) ago. So, if someone started boosting or was locked into a continuous backroll, it would take that into account and give a more accurate firing solution. On the other hand, a tweaky pilot who changes course multiple times a second might be able to throw off the system. Perhaps binds could be drawn up that would automatically have your ship fly shakily.

The idea is that for sacrificing a small port of weaponry, you potentially gain more accuracy.
Apr 11, 2007 roguelazer link
Hmm. Seems like a skill-remover. Plus, a hog with one of these and an AGT would be almost unkillable.

Apr 11, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
It does more than remove skill; it allows your equipped weaponry to fire at angles it never could before.

For example, the Gauss Cannon is a skill-remover compared to the Neutron Blaster, for the exact same reasons, but it's also simply a more powerful gun. On the other hand, there are tradeoffs, such as more weight, less energy efficiency, and even the added auto-aim can be a pain instead of a benefit.

I thought about the hog. I think you overestimate the AGT. Nonetheless, there's no reason it couldn't be a Large Port.
Apr 11, 2007 FatStrat85 link
The auto-aim wouldn't have to be modifed. It's the leadoff indicator that your talking about.

I like the idea. However, it may be harder than you think for the devs to design an even better leadoff algorithm. I think they already did their best on it. It would probably be much easier to simply lower the accuracy of the normal leadoff system and make the add-on restore it to what it is now. I wouldn't like that too much though.
Apr 12, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Perhaps it could just calculate in the roll aspect then. That would be simple enough to do. If it evaluated the current rate at which a target was rolling, in addition to the speed it was currently thrusting at, it could predict a spiral that the target would follow, based on the assumption that the target continues on it's current path, and then pick the point on that spiral your guns should aim at. This would be less killer, but still useful, especially against pilots who lock themselves in a pattern. *cough backrollers cough*
Apr 12, 2007 bojansplash link
Ever tried fighting with autoaim off Mynt?
It is the best way of dealing with the backrollers or any kind of rollers.
However, if you are a heavy agt user, tough luck.
You will need to learn to aim energy guns first.