Forums » Suggestions
I know it's been posted, but...
Beam weapons. Beam weapons are a sci-fi classic, and they would make a great addition to VO, in my opinion. THey would no doubt be large port, but they would have semi-decent auto aim, on the order of AGTs, and they woul do damage until you let go of the fire trigger. They would drain energy the whole time. Comments?
Please post to, or at least reference, the appropriate past threads to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Please post to, or at least reference, the appropriate past threads to avoid reinventing the wheel.
IMO beam weapons should have no autoaim.
Imagine the arc of range on a Gatling Turret... now imagine that same arc, but with bullets that fly hundreds of times faster, and fire hundreds of times quicker per second. Hard to miss, no? You could hit your target, without them ever having a chance to hit you back, unless it was *really* heavy.
Dunno why Mynt posted that up... but at any rate, I ehard that Gatling Turrets really were bullets. But then imgaine the server load keeping track of ammo count, each bullet.... it got pulled.
A beam "lance" (60m range, no autoaim) would be cool if balanced correctly.
Then I'll clarify; a beam weapon, as Xaander described it, would be identical to my imaginary Gatling Turret.
OKay. Having had some in-game chat, I have revised my thought.
-Heavy battery drain.
-Fires once, cooldown, fire, etc. Not continuous.
-Auto-aim of a turret.
-Heavy, L-port only.
This is pretty much because they'd look cool. Not really any other reason.
-Heavy battery drain.
-Fires once, cooldown, fire, etc. Not continuous.
-Auto-aim of a turret.
-Heavy, L-port only.
This is pretty much because they'd look cool. Not really any other reason.
Xaander, do you think you could fly circles around somebody for 30 seconds without getting hit? And in doing so, do you think you could dodge in and get 100m close, every length of time that the cooldown of your proposed beam is? That's all it takes for a 100m, 500 DPS beam to off someone. At the very least, it'd be killer against NPC's.
500 DPS? Good god! That's far too powerful. Reduce the power. The idea of the beam is its accuracy. So, in return for being able to hit like hell, you get less damage. Power for Accuracy.