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Why it would be a good idea to make items stackable
You mean like the ziplock container commercial with all the cows stacked on top of each other?
just press "o" makes it go away. done.
I think stackable is on the list. I HOPE it is. Selling items one at a time is irritating.
I think stackable is a VERY good idea. In the base in deneb I got something like 30 axia posis, and other various items, it does get tedious finding the right one.
[stamp of this-sounds-nice -ness]
what, you can't fly your 'moth when you can't see?
Use the Schwartz, merc.
I was all ready to see a thread about the effects of equipped items being stackable. That's a funny screenshot, though.
I was all ready to see a thread about the effects of equipped items being stackable. That's a funny screenshot, though.