Forums » Suggestions

Updater patchnote inverted?

Jul 08, 2006 Demonen link
The way it is now, the updater scrolls all the way down when it's started.
That's fine, as it allows me to see "Version is current; verifying files..." or whatever.

What is not so fine is that the patchnotes I see are for version 1.5 and we are now at
Also note that the "Version is current; verifying files..." message also appears at the top of the text field, but is repeated at the bottom for some reason that is beyond me.

I suggest "Version is current; verifying files...", or whatever, is moved to the status field where it now says "Update Complete" (even when there has been no update), and that the updater does NOT scroll down at all. This would leve the current patchnotes in view, and be slightly less confusing/annoying.

All this, ofcourse, only until The New Updater comes, because I'm sure a new, and prettier updater will come.
Jul 08, 2006 a1k0n link
Heh, yeah. On some platforms it doesn't scroll to the bottom, and on some it does.

I used to put the patch notes in the opposite order but since the Windows one doesn't scroll to the bottom, I was outvoted (since John, Ray, and Waylon use Windows).
Jul 08, 2006 Klabbath link

How can they get anything done with all the constant rebooting and viruscanning?

Jul 08, 2006 LostCommander link
Very easily. I haven't had any trouble with my windows box since I upgraded 98 -> XP a year and a couple months ago. No random reboots, no excessive virus scanning (I do it about once a month to be safe, but haven't found anything interesting). It's all about NOT using a Windows box to look at Pr0n. ;)
Jul 08, 2006 Klabbath link
Well then why have a computer at all, man? :)

Actually, there's a little more to it than that, but you're right. The seamy underground of the internet is much like reality: if you're not careful you'll probably catch something.

The sad thing is that you can catch something anyway. I'm reasonably certain that my mom has never looked at porn in her life. [Shudder at the thought], but I once tried to get her computer working for her a couple of years ago and found over 500 spywares. We got her a powerbook for Christmas last year and she's never been happier.

I joke a lot about computers, and I love my mac, but what a person really needs to do is pick a computer that fits their lifestyle. For example, I do a ton of video editing as a football coach. Having a system that was designed for that, like the iMac, really made my life easier. (You should see my highlight tape from last season. 71-minutes, eight games, great soundtrack, cool special effects like freezing frame to highlight a kid right before a spectacular play, it came out GREAT!)

For the gamer, and it pains me to say this, but the PC has cornered the market. Because they are so customizable, they are like the Jeep of the computer world: you can bolt damn near anything onto it. So, if I were really recommending machines to gamers, I'd push them towards the PC.

One thing (among many) that I love about VO is that the devs put it together for all of the major platforms. A key reason why I'm here is that the mac client was fully supported. I don't know how much extra work that was for them, but I sure appreciate it.

Jul 08, 2006 Zed1985 link
*stamp of approval*
The ONLY reason why I even tried vendetta (well except the screen shots that looked cool) was that it had full support of mac.
Jul 08, 2006 roguelazer link
Didn't somebody give you code to make the GTK one scroll to the top, a1k0n? I seem to remember a function being posted in the Linux forum a few years back by Icarus or one of the other linux guys.
Jul 09, 2006 Demonen link
Isn't it a matter of NOT scrolling down?
Jul 09, 2006 terribleCabbage link
Demonen: Yup. Either:

Have it as it is (newest at top), and NOT scroll down.

Or, reverse the log, and scroll down (as it does currently, on most platforms).