Forums » Suggestions

Make News more prominent

Jul 03, 2006 Phaserlight link
The station news articles are fairly useful and add a neat roleplaying aspect to the game, particularly with player submitted blurbs.

This is exactly the type of thing that adds immersion and makes the world more believable, and I wonder if this cool feature gets a little buried under layers of navigation, particularly when newbs are concerned. What about making some of these news articles a little more prominent?

Say upon entering a station it defaults to the welcome screen, and as a part of the welcome screen it could pull a random news article from the most recent ones? Or perhaps the revamped bar would be a more appropriate place for this?

Just a thought.
Jul 03, 2006 Klabbath link
Ooh! Good idea.

I'll go one better. The first time a player enters a station have it default to a normal welcome screen like we have now. Each subsequent time, have it default to the news.
