Forums » Suggestions

The guides spawn command

May 12, 2006 zamzx zik link
When a guide or being of light (Devs) spawn stuff, it causes immense lag (I persume this is your computor trying to load the image of the ship) so it'd be nice if you made a cool-o-rony animation for it , it would make it lag quite a bit less (and you could have the portal pre-loaded.. it could be just a modified jumppoint, with a bit more stuff around it )
May 12, 2006 MSKanaka link
1) That isn't lag, that's your framerate suffering.

2) An animation would make the issue worse. More stuff to render == more work for your already upset video card.
May 14, 2006 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Aye, the framerate drop has to do something with your card trying to load the spawned item's mesh and textures in. Adding in an effect which will take up more of your card's processing power would only slow down the loading process more.
May 14, 2006 roguelazer link
This actually ought to be improved when/if the devs multithread I/O operations, since the texture loading would be taken care of in a background thread. Well, it'd be solved for us dual-core/dual-CPU users, at least. :-)