Forums » Suggestions


Apr 01, 2006 Wiggoggs link
I don't think this has been suggested before. How about being able to tow a ship from one part to another. Lets say you are wating to move a ship from one station to another, but you don't want to have to take one ship, leave it behind, grab the other and take it back. Maybe we could have an option to go to a station, and tow a ship wherever you want to. This could reduce the speed you are traveling at. Other players could attack someone that is towing a ship, destroy them, and then make off with their ship. Or, they can destroy the ship in tow, just to bug its owner. And a lot of other things, too. So, any opinions?
Apr 01, 2006 UncleDave link
actually, its been touched on before.

the main reason this cant be implemented in the near-term is because tow cables or similar need inverse kinematics in the physics engine, which arent there. much borking of the engine and many months of dev-time later, we could have tow cables. or we could leave them to do the rest of the very cool stuff before we move on to the "yeah, would be nice."

i think whats more likely is that we'll be able to hire NPC freighters to transport stuff from one station to the next. far less griefability that way, too.