Forums » Suggestions

Guild Info pages

Dec 30, 2005 mgl_mouser link
I wish the Guild Info pages would be built in frames, with the content frame pointing to a guild-operated web page.

This would allow us to make these changes to the info portion (top text) ourselves and free you folks from having to deal with our modification requests.

It would also remove responsibility from Guild Software for the content or formating and thus free a bit of your (and FM's) time.

It would also give us a bit more room for creativity, such as embedding graphics or layouts. Perhaps even a guild movie or other niceties.
Dec 30, 2005 LeberMac link
OMG If Roguelazer sees that you've mentioned using frames, he'll have a stroke.

But I'm all for this. :)
Dec 30, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
I don't like this idea. First off, frames are evil. :P
While at first glance it seems to make the work load of the guides less, it creates a huge doorway for abuse. A site operated by some one besides guild can easily allow unlimited creativity of the offensive and malicious type.

On the idea of making the information easier to edit, I think it would be good for the guild leader to be allowed to edit the information from the website and have it instantly change. This action would then be logged and the guides would be able to review the changes.
Dec 30, 2005 mgl_mouser link
It just seems easier to provide links to an outside page via a frame.

I'm shooting for quick and simple fixes here. We all know devs are swamped with demands and their own feature check list to do.

If there's any abuse of content, then at first complain the guild info page gets zapped. Plain and simple. I think no guild commander (or whoever manages a guild) want to risk having their guild zapped for abusive content.

And frames are not evil. You're just perpetuating old unfounded myths propagated by people who don't understand how to use them abuse them or overuse them.

So :p to you too!
Dec 30, 2005 roguelazer link
I'm with SL. Frames are evil, and iframes doubly so. Providing guild commanders the ability to edit a page would be preferable, in my eyes. In the end, though, it's up to a1k0n (yes, and the other devs, but afaik, a1k0n does most of the web stuff).
Jan 01, 2006 Chikira link
Dear god have mercy upon your soul, heaven haf no fury like a web developer scorned! Anyway with that aside, frames are evil things and using them as a quick fix would only compicate things down the road. I had to rebuild a site a few days ago that was built in frames and dear god my head was spinning in more ways than I thought it could! It took me several hours to fix that quick fix some other lazy web developer had slapped on and then demanded 1000 dollars for.

In short I give a resounding hell no to anything frame related

ps. frames are the devil

chikira out