Forums » Suggestions


Oct 25, 2005 Person link
I wish... But if the devs could do that, it would make travel not so long and boring, and let people actually do both CtC AND BP. Pleeeaaase devs?

Oct 25, 2005 LeberMac link
You're just slow, Calder. Do the work, nemesis! Fly the galaxy!

>:) . Looking forward to the next Deneb run where I can beat you handily as long as I don't have to MC.
Oct 28, 2005 exDragon link
I don't know if this has been suggested but there could be a special device built into a capital ship or space station that forms a worm hole to another capital ship or space station. This could be its own class of capital ships or someting that takes up cargo space to install. A station would have to buy it as an attachment. This would use energy to keep running. Players could charge other player to use it. Portal devices would have a code that you can send to another ship or station(over chat) so you would be able to know where you are connecting to.