Forums » Suggestions

Wormhole navigation fix

Oct 16, 2005 Cunjo link
Can we please have it so in order to enter a wormhole, you need to have a navroute plotted to the other side? this would eliminate many unintentional wormhole jumps, and make that WH jump timer far less annoying.

It would also keep me from losing more of my duel rating for accidentally activating wormholes in duels, which is very important, because as we all know, this is all about me...

So how about it? make the intersystem navigation like the intrasystem in that without a destination plotted, you won't go anywhere.
Oct 16, 2005 fooz2916 link
It takes a bit of a while to plot through a wormhole...and if you're chasing someone while they jump, you'll probably lose them while swearing at Cunjo for his stupid idea.

And how the hell do you accidently press enter while fighting?
Oct 16, 2005 smittens link
I did it once, but only because I was quite tired, desperate for my 500th kill, and had been pressing enter for chat a lot
Oct 16, 2005 Cunjo link
>>"And how the hell do you accidently press enter while fighting?"<<

My action bind is right next to my hostile hail bind ¬¬
...It's also right above the up-arrow key for many of the people who use that.

if you think you may need to use a WH to chase someone, you should be prepared ahead of time anyway... if you're not prepared, you don't deserve to catch them.
Oct 16, 2005 jexkerome link
I totally agree with fooz, and disagree with Cunjo. Far easier to have Cunjo change binds than change game mechanics just for his sake.
Oct 17, 2005 Cunjo link
This is not about my bloody bind! I was using that as a humerous example... apparently you all lack humor.

This is about a better nav system, and making what we have work the way it should work.
Oct 17, 2005 fooz2916 link
If it ain't broked, don't fix it.
Oct 17, 2005 Klox link

Create an "action button disarm" alias, so you can disarm your action key. Press the disarm key before a duel (use a key far away so you can't bump it), then your action key won't do anything until you press the disarm key again. I've seen similar binds in the forums for disarming weapons so that the pilot won't acidently fire in a NFZ.

I agree with fooz: it ain't "broked", don't fix it.
Oct 17, 2005 roguelazer link
alias activatetoggle "activateoff"
alias activateon "alias doactivate 'activate'; alias activatetoggle 'activateoff'"
alias activateoff "alias doactivate ''; alias activatetoggle 'activateon'"
bind Enter doactivate
Oct 17, 2005 Klox link
I see rogue isn't as lazy as I am. I thought of posting aliases, but didn't want to engage my brain.

Don't forget to bind activatetoggle to a key (one you won't bump), and you might want to do:
alias doactivate 'activate'
so you don't need to do activatetoggle twice right after you type this in.
Dang it! My brain has engaged!