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Ship Transport Option Needed

Oct 09, 2005 LostCommander link
Incarnate has said that per-station player storage limits are coming.

I would like to throw out that, before that happens, I would REALLY like to see a system whereby I can pay credits to have some of my ships transported to other stations. Currently, the only way to move ships is to use the /explode teleport trick, which I do not particularly like using. However, the release of a transport option should not precede the limits release by much, at most like a week or so, so that the per-station limits still mean something.

This could simply be a button to send your active ship, for a cost of 1000 credits, to the next station along your jump navigation path. The transport would take 1 hour per jump to reach the station, at which point your ship would be available there. If you do not have 1000 credits, are in your last remaining active ship at the station, or do not have a station in your jump navigation path, then the button does not work. Perhaps the button should have a confirmation too (copy the buy back ship death screen and re-word it).
Oct 09, 2005 DagobahDave link
I understand why you want this, but I don't like the idea that ships can be 'teleported' between stations by simply paying a 'teleport fee.'

A ship should be considered cargo, if you want to move it between stations without flying it yourself. It should be loaded onto the next NPC convoy leaving that station that is scheduled to visit the station you want your ship delivered to. In other words, it could take a while, and be subject to the dangers and delays of transport (pirates, ion storms, enemy factions).

However, this could be a profitable service for NPC or player shipping guilds, once we get cap ships in game. But it shouldn't be as simple as 'wait an hour per jump' -- you should have to wait until a cargo ship can be scheduled to get your ship to the station of your choice. Of course, if you want to charter a transport for just your ship, you can pay the extra fees...

Just throwing out some alternatives. ;)
Oct 09, 2005 tumblemonster link
Oct 09, 2005 terjekv link
Oct 09, 2005 LostCommander link
DagobahDave, I really cannot see ships being treated as cargo as they are far too big to fit inside each other. However, I would be quite happy to see something like NPCs or PCs flying the ships to the target station for the fee. However however, that would be MUCH more complicated, programmatically than what I suggested. I suggested the much less realistic system for its simplicity of implementation due to the fact that Incarnate seems fairly close to implementing the restriction system. Another simple, more realistic alternative would be something that allowed PCs to ride/be transported as a single CU passenger widget. Also, by the way, I JUST sort of figured out a working alternative - I can get in an EC-88 each time and sell it at the destination... Sucks but works.

P.S. I agree with tumblemonster - Capital Ships indeed.
Oct 10, 2005 jexkerome link
I say:


No, really, it's by far the most simple answer.
Oct 10, 2005 Spellcast link
not inventory reset.. mass inventory recall.

**The Chairman of Orion heavy manufacturing today announced that a severe design flaw has been uncovered in all models of thier Powered proprietary phasometric distributor thingymajigs.. PPPDT's for short. Apparently the design flaw is a misaligned circut in the hard programming on each chip, that will cause a major data error on the first day of 4434. As PPPDT's are an integral part of all modern ships and equipment modules, being that they provide the primary data transference between modular weapons and the ships they are mounted on, and orion is THE only company that can manufacture them every ship, weapon, and equipment module manufactured within the past 12 months is potentially affected.
As a result Orion manufacturing, in conjunction with TPG, AXIA, BIOcom, Xang Xi, Aeoulus, Ineubis and all three major nations has issued an immediate and mandatory recall on ALL ships manufactured within that time frame. This recall is to be effective on *date*, at such time all station managers will impound any ship in storage or currently docked at thier station.
All owners will recieve a full refund of the purchase price of the ships and any equipment on them, as well as any equipment that they have in storage within the stations that is not attached to any ship.
A spokesman for TPG has assured everyone that there are sufficient stocks of non-affected ships on hand that have been manufactured but not released to the public markets. Apparently this production has been occuring for the past month in order to facilitate this massive recall. In order to simplify the recall process no ship with a functioning PPPDT will be released until after the recall has been completed, this is to minimize the chances that a defective ship will accidentally be left in service due to paperwork errors.
In a related story the corvus syndicate has also announced that they will recall all ships in thier station holds at the same time, however they have released no notice of thier intentions to offer any form of reimbursement..***

then you just do the reset and impliment the storage limits at the same time.. preferrably along with the price changes incarnate was discussing.
Oct 10, 2005 LeberMac link
I wanna see all the ships have a cu statistic and a mass statistic, so that you can treat them as widgets and tote them around in behemoths. (Or larger ships that the devs may introduce specifically for this purpose.)
That just makes sense to me.
Oct 10, 2005 Beolach link
A Behemoth could probably carry one Cent or Vult or EC-* or the other small ships, but only one, IMO. So you really wouldn't be any better off than just flying the ship itself to where you wanted it.
Oct 11, 2005 Demonen link
How much "air" is in a Moth?
With that huge cargo capacity it's probably just a shell with a cargo room in it, right?
So what if it's collapsed into parts?

I know for sure a Jumbo Jet can carry another Jumbo Jet in it's cargo hold, but (ofcourse) not after it's assembled.

The problem with modern aircraft is that once they're assembled it's near impossible to take them apart again without permanent damage to the seams. Does the same apply to space ships in the future? I'd say that they'd probably use both stronger and lighter alloys than we have today and design the ships to be collapsable.
A moth would possibly collapse to 70cu.

Another thing is the mass. The mass would, ofcourse, not change.
That would make for one heavy trip... Flying two moths :D
Oct 11, 2005 LeberMac link
I bet a Moth could carry four Cents and two vults, probably two atlases.

Would be cool.

And, OK, then, let's make an even BIGGER transport that can carry LOTS of important stuff! 1000 cu at a time! Schweet!
Oct 11, 2005 Cunjo link
Where was the thread on capital ship charter routes? I think this would be a very nice (eventual) solution to the ship-moving problem...

can someone provide a link? I can't seem to find it...

EDIT: FOund it!
Oct 11, 2005 DagobahDave link
LostCommander, I've been assuming capital ships would be part of NPC (and PC-run) convoys. I wasn't trying to suggest that you could carry small craft within other small craft. :)

However, with sufficient thrust, IRL I believe just about any ship should be able to TOW just about any other ship.

Maybe this calls for a class of tugs: slow little ships with lots of hauling power, but very little internal cargo space?
Oct 11, 2005 Cunjo link