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Speaking of Ship Cost and XP...

Oct 05, 2005 forrestmc4 link
So i did some math a minute ago; here is what i found:

To reach combat 7 i will have to kill 653 tycorps at a rate of 1 tycorp per minute for 10.87 HOURS. This does not include repairs or travel time.

Is it just me or is that FAR too long for anyone to have to level against a bot? Why must combat XP increase SOO slowly? During that 10.87 hours my XP for Light or Heavy Weapons could increase 6 TIMES FASTER THAN COMBAT XP! 6!!! What the hell justifies that kind of ratio!? We should seriously reassess the way VO gives combat XP.
Oct 05, 2005 who? me? link
imo this is being reassessed with the new mission structure/other stuff to do/etc.

since when does it take a whole minute to kill one tycorp?
Oct 05, 2005 Shapenaji link
Actually, you can kill tycorps at a rate of 1 every 6 seconds... :) there's a trick to it.

that drops the time down to about 1 hour :)
Oct 05, 2005 Beolach link
@Shapenaji: But light or heavy weapon XP will still increase significantly faster than combat XP.

I'd agree with who? me? here, as more combat missions get introduced, there will be faster & a wider variety of ways to gain combat XP.
Oct 05, 2005 LeberMac link
I believe Shape. Maybe every 10 seconds, tho.
Oct 05, 2005 forrestmc4 link
mind sharing? privately perhaps?
Oct 05, 2005 roguelazer link
This is a MMORPG! FFS, this is not some stupid fps. The highest "practical" level is 14. So to reach half of the highest level should take MUCH LONGER THAN 10 HOURS! Sheesh!
Oct 05, 2005 Shapenaji link
The way to do it is to grab a ship with 2 neutron blasters (level 4 probably takes an hour or so)

and then ignore the ships chasing you. Just boost around, line up behind another bot, blast him before he turns around, then move on to another bot.

Leber could be right, maybe 10 seconds, but still
Oct 06, 2005 Lord Q link
i do seem to recall a mission that allowed much more efficent leveling, i believe it was called boarder partole and everyone screamed about how it was a big that had to be fixed.

the point of this litle asside is that one of the reasons combat XP is so hard to get is because all us mid-high level players don't like new ways for new players to do easily what it took us a lot of effort to do.
Oct 06, 2005 Martin link
Hive bots in sedina give combat xp, however they're also pretty nasty.
Oct 06, 2005 Spellcast link
the BP mission still gives good XP.. you just have to get a group together ahead of time..(ok and the actual taking of the mission is a little bugged i hear)

you still get 100xp/bot in all 3 skills

you now get 15 bots to start with. and each player in the group is supposed to add 15 bots (i gather this isnt working quite correctly but havent been able to test it)

the money bug was fixed.. you cant join/leave to raise the group size into the point where the money started to multiply.

but if you get a group of 8 people together and take the mission thats 120 bots. 120x 100 = 12,000 XP. I fail to see how that is inefficient.. it just requires people to work together. for that matter a 4 person group can do 2 runs and get the same result.. in about the same amount of time. I just knocked off 15 bots (including time to reload, and I'm serco so thats back to giera) in about 5 minutes. so 12,000 Xp in 40 minutes isnt too shabby, and it would actually go much faster if everyone in the group was actively working on the mission.
Oct 06, 2005 everman7 link
What part of MMORPG don't people understand.
Why do you want to be level 7 in less than 11 hours. Do you only want to play the 8 hour trial and see how far you get. I've been playing for 10 months now. Some of these players have been here for YEARS!
This game isn't about how fast you can get to level 100!
I'm going to agree with roguelazer on this one.
