Forums » Suggestions

Nation elections!

Dec 07, 2006 upper case link
that's the whole point bojan.

there could be any number of things linked to that. missions of all sorts. in-game events.

the government body would have special powers. like launching capital ships.

add to this the economy system, the president could have some effect on the demands and prices of things.

he could regulate certain costs like ship repair.

the lower the cost, the less cash the nation has and thus affects ability to launch capital ships, or drives up prices on certain classes of goods etc.

the whole idea is to give the player base a way to affect the universe in some way. right now, nothing of what we do affects anything.

yeah, one might think ctc is just that: if the player wins it the nation gets n3s. well guess what? that never affected the supply of law neuts has it? so in essence, none of what we do right now has any impact.

that's all to change (in theory) with the economy system.

but what if we could elect people to have a direct influence on the economy?

wouldn't have to deal with budgets but just playing with a few numbers would automatically increase/decrease a nation's ability to defend itself or to become profitable.
Dec 07, 2006 Jim Kirk link
I think toshiro was the one who said that " 'net' elections never work"

I think it will,in this situation. We just have to find a way to stop all the alts for voting for the same nation more than once. In other words, each one of your alts may vote, but why would you vote for more than one nation, it wouldn't have any effect on either of them, or all three of them. So, I move to allow alts to vote, but your account can only vote once per nation.

Running for president should take a while, and should be a test to their political strengths. There should be a political skill level added, and it should take 5 times or longer than how fast you can gain levels in combat. The people with the top percentileof experience should have the ability to run for president. If they do not want to, they don't have to. An election should take place every 2 months or so, and there should be an national debate, taking place at the home world for each nation.

I could go on and on, real world politics implemented in this game would create an unsurpassed political system in a space first person shooter, that is in turn based on 3 nations and their conflicts. This should have been one of the first things implemented in this game, at least a test version...

I cannot see anyway this would hurt the game. Keep in mind, the Head, or Heads of government for each nation should be replace-able if they do not perform their obligatory duties responsibly and without deception. Impeachment, assassination, etc.(however possible) should be in effect.
Dec 07, 2006 upper case link
net elections do work if you're willing to live with some dicks altering your polls a bit.

heck.. that hasn't stopped the last few us elections.

the presidential vote thing could be wired to your account, rather than your character.

and if you're one who pays for two accounts (or more?), tough luck. you get as many votes as you have accounts.

problem solved.
Dec 07, 2006 bojansplash link
It wont work.
As in real world all things like that lead to ultimate power.
Power hungry always get the seat while normal people stay aside.
Learn from human history,
This is a MMORPG i dont want politicians in it.
Dec 07, 2006 tumblemonster link
I'm already Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy for Life, what more do you need?

And you are all late on your taxes...
Dec 07, 2006 Zed1985 link
Politics are complicated and annoying in real life. Why would you want to import that into a game?
Dec 07, 2006 upper case link
it doesn't have to be politics if all your assigning is ability to tweak your part of the universe.

elections work for [itan]. there's not reason it wouldn't for other guilds and some "supra-guild" that would be the government.

some stuff doesn't work in real life. we can make 'em work here because the population size is way more manageable.

(though i wouldn't suspect closed guilds would understand that)
Dec 07, 2006 Jim Kirk link
Because more people = harder

The VO universe should be completely capable of sustaining a fully developed political system, minus the huge amount of beurocracy (that everyone hates including me) and facilitate an enjoyable addition that is the Governments of Nations, and immerse players into a much needed updated game.
Dec 07, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
What about those people who like bureaucracy, like me?
Dec 07, 2006 upper case link
file a request.
Dec 07, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Politics are complicated and annoying in real life. Why would you want to import that into a game?

The word Politics connotates a two sided coin. Politics is just people, and about half the time people do the right thing, and about the other half they do the wrong thing. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it's fun, and you only get out of it what you put in, in the first place. However, if you're American, and Zed I'm assuming you are, then the annoyance you feel isn't directed at "politics" because that sh-t you see on the "news" is only the, er, *less honest* representation of politics. That annoyance you feel is your intuition telling you that the world's full of alot more BS than you think, (but less than you imagine) and it's annoyance directed at yourself for still believing in thy holy TV box.

Politics is as fun as the people who play with it. The problem is when you get people like our fair U.S. president. Needless to say, it'd be an insult to the Democratic party to call George Bush is an ass.
Dec 08, 2006 bojansplash link
I bow in presence of so many "supreme world leaders" fighting for their right to implement bureaucracy and ultimate power in VO.

Just imagine... division upon division of desk clerks, secretaries, slaves... at your disposal... and you rule them all!!!
Lifetime achievement, congrats.

Get out of VO you miserable power hungry excuses for a human beings.

@upper case: closed guilds are closed for a purpose. Closed guilds are filled with equals, friends and buddies. Closed guilds dont want power hungry pompous douchebags dictating them what they must do.
Dec 08, 2006 upper case link
seen one of those douche bags recently?
Dec 08, 2006 moldyman link
Thank you uc :') I needed that laugh
Dec 09, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Mmm, Corvus flavored icecream cone.
Dec 09, 2006 bojansplash link
It hurts to realise what you really are, doesnt it upper case?
Attacking someone out of anger because he showed you the real "you" is always the best defense, no real or true arguments needed.
I can look myself in the mirror and laugh at your comment, can you do the same?
Dec 09, 2006 upper case link
meh. shows your ability to discern people around you bojan.
i'm neither power hungry nor have i ever dictated people in [itan] what to do. nor as uc, nor as mogul (though mogul was pompous all right).
i got elected simply because people in our guild thought i could do a good job. i didn't even campaign.
and no one is angry. not on this side of the line.
heck, here's a primer buster (actually, some already know but i've not made it public before... now): i'm quitting vo for a while after my term. how's that for being power hungry?
Dec 09, 2006 bojansplash link
Thi is a nice reply. Thank you.
I dont have anything against you. We both go way back from the old IDF days and you know who was the only "pdb" then.
The whole idea about politics and buerocracy in VO got me angry and I reacted on impulse. If I offended you it was not intentional. Im sorry.
Dec 09, 2006 Jim Kirk link
Why am I always the one to keep the thread going the way it should be?

Anyway... Elections should be more prevalent in the nations and guilds that they seem natural to. Certain guilds should have them, Itani's should have them, and maybe even a small amount of UIT's should have them. Though with UIT there should be some kind of money requirement which separates the rich from the poor.
Dec 09, 2006 upper case link
[ bureaucracy ]

i love being cynical.