Forums » Suggestions

flak cannon

Sep 08, 2005 Cunjo link
we have energy weapons, and flares... but where's the middle ground? I'd like to see some kind of gatling gun weapon with a large amount of ammo (say, 200?) that deals some kind of splash damage with a proximity fuse...

say, slower than a Neut I, but with comparable damage on a direct hit. gauss-quality auto-aim, popcorn-gun energy consumption, and have a proximity fuse that goes off if the projectile closes to within 2m of the target and then opens again, dealing a very small amount of damage within a 4m blast radius. Voila! a rapid-fire high-explosive cannon to put on your L-port.

Would be good for fighting small-profile ships, but somewhat impractical for anything else... but at least it would be some variety, and fun... can't forget fun.
Sep 08, 2005 Lord Q link
i'd rather see an artilery like weapon that would have a proxcimityu fuse of 10m and a 20m splash radious that deals comprable damage to a starflare for use on the cap ships. that way it would be an alternative anti-fighter weapon to the beam cannons everyone seems to hat so much.
Sep 08, 2005 Cunjo link
that's another thread... go start your own =P
Sep 09, 2005 Big Mike85 link
Id like to see a middle ground weapon. Something that is huge though. Not a little popcorn gun on acid. this would be more interesting.

Level Reqs. 10/8/8/0/0
Name: Hellzfire Cannon(yeah i know lame but works as place holder for now)
Ammo: 6
Energy Consuption per shot: 45% of battery!
Damage: 5000
Velocity: 150m/s
Manuverability: High
Range: Approx. 500m
Proximity: 50m
Explosion Radius: 100m
Refire Rate: 3secs

This gun would require two L ports. Therefore limiting its useability. When fired, two huge balls would leave the ship heading towards the intended target. Upon proximity both balls would explode doing massive damage. These balls would be extremely hard to avoid. However you only get three shots which nearly cripple your battery each time you fire (90%) meaning also that you would have to have almost full betery to fire. There is also a slow refire rate.

Ive got ideas for smalle weapon which i may post later but they need refining. even that one needs work im sure but its close i think.
Sep 09, 2005 LeberMac link
I love your idea, Cunjo!

A gatling gun using depleted uranium rounds that have little bits of splash damage when the prox fuse detonates them! (Just like my favorite aircraft of all time, the A-10 Warthog/Thunderbolt)

We would have a new category: Projectile weapons
Rails would fit in there
So would the new Gatling Cannon
Maybe alter the flak cannon (popcorn gun) and put that in this category as well?

Limited ammo would help. But I like the weapon idea.
Sep 09, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Are you all so unskilled with the current weapons that you need MORE proximity weapons ingame. Proximity takes all the fun out of dog fights, make people backroll or stay so far away that the fights are no longer intersting. I have no problem with a rapid fire flak cannon but drop the poximity fuse.
Sep 09, 2005 Shapenaji link
Funniest part is, the popcorn guns actually work... ask Nerde Verde to show you sometime.
Sep 09, 2005 LeberMac link
Yeah Nerde whooped me BAD with his popcorn guns.

But I think the gatling gun would be kinda neat. Just make it chew thru ammo FAST so you have to be judicious in your shots.
Sep 09, 2005 Cunjo link
>>"A gatling gun using depleted uranium rounds that have little bits of splash damage when the prox fuse detonates them! (Just like my favorite aircraft of all time, the A-10 Warthog/Thunderbolt)"<<

Yea, the GE GAU-8/A ownz... 30mm of high-velocity DU or HE goodness...
perhaps there should be two versions for the game, a DU (Depleted Uranium: no prox, but heavier damage on direct hit - higher armor-piercing ability) and an HE (High-Explosive: slight proximity, but less damage on direct hit)

>>"We would have a new category: Projectile weapons
Rails would fit in there
So would the new Gatling Cannon
Maybe alter the flak cannon (popcorn gun) and put that in this category as well?"<<

Definately... and to be honest, I think the flachette cannon should be an ammunition-using projectile weapon anyway, as it sure doesn't behave like an energy weapon... more like an automatic shotgun.

Projectile weapons should always have limited ammo... ones like the proposed flak cannon, and the existing flachette should have more than ones like the railgun (which takes more space for the more effective firing mechanism)

>>"Are you all so unskilled with the current weapons that you need MORE proximity weapons ingame. Proximity takes all the fun out of dog fights, make people backroll or stay so far away that the fights are no longer intersting. I have no problem with a rapid fire flak cannon but drop the poximity fuse."<<

The proximity fuse we're talking about is only 2 meters, and the damage it would deal with an indirect hit (proximity detonation) would only be 75-100. A direct hit would deal 400-500 damage. It is not "another proximity weapon", and with only AGT-range velocity, you would need to stay in close to use it.

Name: Vulcan Cannon
Damage: 450 (80)
Velocity: 180
Energy: 7.5/blast
Delay: 0.1 s
Mass: 800 kg
Splash: 4m
Detonation: Impact (proximity 2m)*
Ammo: 200
Port: L
Targeting: little
Level: 6/5/7/-/-

* proximity detonation only occurs if the projectile comes within 2m of the target, then passes it, moving past 3m

Think of it as a gatling cannon with enough umph to still have some practical use after the AGT is available. The ammo limitation and poor targeting would prevent it from always being preferred over the AGT.
Sep 09, 2005 Shapenaji link
Apparently, Rapid firing ammo weps don't work so well, its been suggested before. There are lag problems, as well as sanity-check problems.
Sep 09, 2005 LeberMac link
Damn. How about just an approximation of a gatling gun? How does Unreal Tournament/Quake do it?

I hate it when flashes of creativity impact suddenly and abruptly on the borders of possibility.
Sep 11, 2005 roguelazer link
This game/server simply cannot handle ammo weapons with a faster refire rate than something like 0.5s. Well, it could, but then it'd be laggy and/or easy to exploit. The Gatling Cannon used to have ammo. For about 30 seconds.
Sep 27, 2005 darvud link
This game/server simply cannot handle ammo weapons with a faster refire rate than something like 0.5s.

then try to handle streams. A volley of 100 shoots are handled as a single stream and are represented by a broken line. The engine has to calculate only the trajectory of the line ends.

The caused damage is the max damage of 100 shoots multiplied by the proportion between the line length and the part of line which goes through the target.


Oct 05, 2005 darvud link

There is an energy weapon with ammo: chemical laser. Its strong, does not consume batery but is limited. (wow) :D

The simplest (and strongest) chemical laser is from the 1:1 mix of chlorin and hydrogen in a glass tube. The ends are closed with mirrors to keep up the chain reaction (ie multiply the beam energie) in the middle of one mirror there is a transparent spot to let the beam out.
The wrap of the tube lets through the light to minimize the energy loss.

There are 2 variants of cannon:
1.] Safe, high energy variant - the gases are stored in big tanks. The gases gets into the chamber (the tube) in portions and ignited with spark. The exhaust (hidrocloric mist) is condensed and collected in a 3rd tank. (with electrolysis you can recycle the ammo)
2.] Rapid fire variant - the bullets are filled with the gases but divided by a membran. A small fuse destroys the mebran and ignites the mix. The damage of a single bullet inflicts only a light flash but the exposion of a whole clip could melt the weapon slot.

