Forums » Suggestions

Take Off Friendly Fire

Sep 08, 2005 tkjode link
Make it gone!
Sep 08, 2005 Cunjo link
How about this for a compromise?

Frindly fire would be handled differently in nation space and grey space.

Proximity/Splash weapons would inflict damage on friendly vessels if detonated near them, but will NOT detonate when entering the proximity radius of a friendly same-nation vessel. !Friendly fire rules still apply for energy weapons. (this would give the safety of friendly fire in nation space without compromising tactical balance in group fights using flares/swarms/gems). same-nation players with -1 or lower nation standing with their own nation are exempt from friendly fire restrictions.

No friendly fire restrictions

perhaps grouped players could be treated as same-nation vessels when applying friendly-fire restrictions in nation space?

I do agree that something needs to be done about the current friendly-fire restrictions though... having to diel every time you want to fight a member of your own nation sucks...
Sep 08, 2005 CrazySpence link
it sure does!
Sep 08, 2005 Snax_28 link
Yes, please, lose this. Its been talked about and talked about, and I can't remember a negative side of the conversation that had any significant percentage of the community behind it.

So please, its very clear that everyone wants this gone.
Sep 11, 2005 CrazySpence link
especially me! I have been bothering about it since 3.2 in the old days!
Sep 11, 2005 Big Mike85 link

Dump FF!
Sep 26, 2005 Will Roberts link

it would also allow ctc'ers to shoot at a same-nation player running ctc cargo for the opposing side.
Sep 26, 2005 Ion link
Yes, let FF go the way of old yellow. As far as I can see, it serves no purpose what so ever. Let new players be protected by the faction loss others will incur if they gun them down.
Sep 26, 2005 Phaserlight link
I agree... let's toss FF protection. Down with magical barriers!

Even a newblet should know better than to attack another player inside the NFZ. It does warn you, after all.
Sep 26, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Devil's Advocate: Let us say that FF is off. What shall we do with the inevitable same-nation griefers? I can forsee players getting really pissed off.

This would probably be more palatable once the radar /faction system is more sophisiticated.
Sep 26, 2005 icbm1987 link
*Me thinks of someone with a name akin to the Inner Sphere designation for a Vulture from Mechwarrior*
Sep 26, 2005 LeberMac link
/me can't fathom what icbm1987 is talking about...
Sep 26, 2005 CrazySpence link
ff is in the way. I need to be able to kill everyone to take over the universe
Sep 26, 2005 darvud link

its difficult to survive in a big fight where energy rays and high energy particles flies in every directions. Your ony luck will be if your friend does not know that it was you who finished him.

I suggest to make a compromise:
- you can not attack lowbies in their home area
- you can not attack friendly NPCs
- you can not fire your group/raid members


Sep 26, 2005 Martin link
But that's the beauty of it. It brings a whole new dynamic to group combat and people have to be far more careful when slinging weapons around their same nation buddies. It's a lot more fun when you have to avoid killing people as well as take out bad guys.
Sep 26, 2005 roguelazer link
Magic defenses are dumb. FF should have died in 3.5.0, and should die now.
Sep 26, 2005 Ion link
Forum Moderator, with a more sophisticated faction system, there might very well be more sophisticated ways of punishing griefers... in-game! Could be as severe as strike forces hunting down anyone who has ever gunned down a nation member, or just faction drop. But do it in-game. One (of the many) of VO's strong points is that it's hardcore. Players not accustomed to this will be scared away regardless. Players who are, will love it even more without 'magic defenses'. It is wonderful to finally get to play a game with no superimposed mechanical limitations. FF is the last one present. And the only thing that keeps VO from becoming fully free of any such limitations.

Darvud, just like Martin says, that's the beauty of it. Not that anyone can say how a real space battle would be, but I dare say there would be nothing to prevent you from accidentally shooting your friend... The system you suggest is more or less what we have today. Even stricter.

Besides, combat arenas in space are big. You'll usually be hundreds of meters, if not kilometers, from yer closest friend, making this very unlikely. But still a dangerous risk.

Please devs, rid us of FF. I'm sure any player in here could come up with at least 5 suggestion each of how to punish same-nation griefing in game instead.
Sep 26, 2005 LeberMac link
I've hit plenty of [VPR] accidentally when in a "multi". Without FF, now I can be an equal-opportunity Friendly Fire Aggressor!
Gosh, Thanks Devs!

(oops! sorry!)
Sep 26, 2005 Forum Moderator link
I'm in agreement that in-game transgressions should be met with in-game consequences.
Oct 07, 2005 Beolach link