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A dev control panel

Apr 11, 2003 Urza link
A while ago, a sector crashed. Ray was the only dev around and told us that he couldn't restart just 1 sector. Why? he didn' know how. It took about 30 minutes and 1 a1k0n later to fix the problem. My suggestion? a user friendly Dev Control Panel. This panel could allow the devs to do many many things.
1) Get a constant list of everyone online. With a click of the mouse on that person's name, they could see all that person's stats, cargo, ect.

2) constant sector readout. Everyone in a sector, ect.

3) Sector restart. Restarts a sector

4) Constant chat and such. They could see what we say and talk back without logging in. This would save time.

as well as all the powers they can use on players and stuff, without having to do much. This would allow them to make sure nothnig is going wrong or anything.

Who knows? maybe they already have something like this. But i'll bet that later on, if they dont have this, this would be a life saver.
Apr 11, 2003 Arolte link
The Devs DO have a separate client from Vendetta that allows them to maintain the server, read all chat, look at the players of each sector, and even a nifty reset button.

In any case, why are you concerned about this? You won't have access to it. Let the devs worry about it. I'm sure they're going to progressively make better and easier to use administration software as player guides get hired.
Apr 11, 2003 incarnate link
Yes, we have an admin tool. Unfortunately, because the server development has been pretty active, the admintool tends to get out of date, and hasn't had a lot of time put into it (and is thus missing a lot of features). We've been spending more time making things actually function, than building the administrative applications to help us run them. Once core development isn't quite so chaotic, we'll spend a little more time on the administrative stuff.

Of course, hopefully, by then sectors won't be crashing, and we won't need it as much.
Apr 11, 2003 Urza link
Why khral? because i try my best to put out ideas that would be of some use to the game in general, not just to me.
Apr 13, 2003 ctishman link
Well, the dream of a self-repairing game could yet be realized. Keep a backup of everything, and have each file report back a checksum every, say 30 minutes. If it fails to match, or the sector fails to respond to the call for a checksum, replace the sector from the backup and reboot that sector.

Note, of course, that this would be easy to do, because programming is easy! ;P