Forums » Suggestions
Name Colours
Ok, it's easy to tell who the devs are because their names are in red right? Well how about a colour for guides, it'd be nice to easily tell who they are. (Make their names blue or something like that)
Anyone this is just a suggestion.
Anyone this is just a suggestion.
On a side note: Yeah that'd be cool
On a side note: Yeah that'd be cool
Not to mention necessary, so we'll know when it's correct to shoot at, say, Obsidian, and when we'd do best to just stay away.
I don't have problems with my death. I came to terms with that a long time ago. (see Borb's post about my shooting ability). You can try to kill me whenever (I think I may regret saying this) I'm in a known hostile situtation.
If your character is a Guide Hunter, hates TGFT, hates UIT or is just a cranky old goat, then RP them the way they were designed.
Just remember I do have many friends and allies in Vendetta. ;)
If your character is a Guide Hunter, hates TGFT, hates UIT or is just a cranky old goat, then RP them the way they were designed.
Just remember I do have many friends and allies in Vendetta. ;)
Sadly I think she has inproved. Moral of that story don't make the UIT womans mad. You'd think I'd have learnd that by now...
While I don't oppose the guide color idea, know that it's okay to shoot me unless I ask you not to at that particular time. Most people who try it know that I'm good for a decent fight, though I do tend to use the less-popular ships.
I'm pretty sure DragonEmpire was suggesting in forum not in game. As the devs names are red in form not in game.
I think it'd be nice to have the Guides' forum accounts coloured. In-game, I'd rather have all names coloured with their nation's colour (Red Serco, Blue Itani, Gold UIT).
I made a thread a while back where I tried to make a list of the names the Guides use, so people could get to know which players are guides.
I made a thread a while back where I tried to make a list of the names the Guides use, so people could get to know which players are guides.
but then you'll confuse group and PM text color.
No, the body of the message should be coloured by message-type (group chat, guild chat, active/inactive channel, etc) the way it is now, but the name of who sent the message should be coloured by their nation.
/me is awfully amused by "Guide Hunter".
:) for color in forums, and perhaps colored names/flags guides can turn on ingame when guiding (so you know not to bug them)
:) for color in forums, and perhaps colored names/flags guides can turn on ingame when guiding (so you know not to bug them)
where do i sign up for Guide Hunter? ^^
rrrraaaaahhh me kill guide!!
rrrraaaaahhh me kill guide!!
whats with all the coloring of forum names? the devs should give themselves Dev badges with some crazy description like Developer Badge (Achieved by: Working all day and night programming VO) and Guide Badge (Really nice people you should listen to) for in-game, if you want to know who is a guide character or not. Maybe a different Guide Badge for if you dont mind being shot at. It should be that way in the Forum, a nice badge next to their name. If the ingame isnt colored, neither should to forum. keep it together yall!
/me hears a "we need no stinkin' badges" coming.
/me hears a "we need no stinkin' badges" coming.