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Drifting Asteroids...!

Apr 09, 2003 hazaanko link
I was just thinking what kind of possibilities there would be if there were certain sectors in which the asteroid belts actually moved. It would add a lot more danger to the sector, since the layout is constantly changing... and it poses quite a new aspect of combat. Perhaps the asteroids could even bump into one another and if the collision had enough force... perhaps the asteroid could break apart? I know this has gotta be quite hard to code... but I think its an idea worth considering.
Apr 09, 2003 Celebrim link
That's a pretty common request. We've had responces from the devs several times.

It's actually not that hard to code. Certainly there are already rotating asteroids, and making asteroids drift is not any harder.

The problem comes when you ask, "What will happen to the asteroids in a persistant universe?"

Eventually, the asteroids are going to float off into the distance, and then what? Sectors are actually pretty darn enormous, and it would take a whole lot of moving asteroids to make them in any way common in a sector. What's going to happen to asteroids that float off to the edge of the sector?

If I had to hazard a guess, morphable terrain eats up to much bandwidth for a MMORPG to be a realistic feature with present technology.

I have wondered though whether or not there was a way to get asteroids to orbit around a point without having to have the server update all the clients with the asteroids position, but basically I'm convinced now that the devs are on the right track and will add whatever cool features they find time for.

There are alot of things I'd rather see than drifting asteroids.
Apr 09, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
like 3.2 for instance :D :D :D

Apr 11, 2003 Craigus Meridius link

Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait.

Jan 23, 2007 drdoak007 link

this game needs comets.
Jan 23, 2007 LeberMac link
There's another thread about comets somewhere... I'm sure Whistler can find it. ;D
Jan 23, 2007 TRS link
The asteroids are moving. They are all moving together at the same speed. That is why they are together. Their gravitational influence affects jumps, and thats why we all end up close to them. All speed and distance are in relation to the closest gravity well (the asteroid cluster), so it looks like they are sitting still. In reality, your just moving at the same speed they are.
Jan 23, 2007 LeberMac link
You, sir, are a GENIUS! Haha TRS.
Jan 23, 2007 Capt.Waffles link
Like pulling BS out of a bread box! I love it TRS.