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Explosion Damage

Jun 15, 2005 johnhawl218 link
This has happened to me a few times and it's not something that's a big deal but something that does not make much sense.

Why do the explosions from Hive Queens cause so much damage withing a certain radious of them, yet, the HAC explosions, which are many time larger, do NO DAMAGE at all to any of the many ships flying around, threw, or parked near it when it happens. It's really annoying when there are queens attacking the caps and then BOOM, your dead and you don't even know why.

Any thoughts???
Jun 15, 2005 Harry Seldon link

Obviously, HACs should have damage, but they don't since they're currently in the testing phase.
Jun 17, 2005 johnhawl218 link
wouldn't the explosion radius be something that would need testing?? Since they already have the explosion down it's as simple as taking the coding from any other ship, popping it in and giving it a bigger distance and damage value, this can't be that hard to do.
Jun 17, 2005 Harry Seldon link
It's not that simple to do it *right*. Personally, I'd like to see heavy damage within a few hundred meters, medium/light damage 700m-1000m, and barely no damage outside of that, but everyone within 1500m should have a bit of a screen shake from the explosion. Should depend on distance though.
Jun 17, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
Just as sound can't exit for distances worth mentioning in space, shockwaves from explosions don't tend to travel very far in space because there's no air to propogate them. They last as long as they can travel through air released from the ship itself, and after that, the only danger you can take from exploding objects is from debris. so like the large debris pieces would pulverize any fighter that hit it, and otherwise, smaller debris would deal either heavy damage, or fatal damage, depending on proximity and size of ship.

But that's real life.