Forums » Suggestions

trade unions?

Apr 08, 2003 Spider link
Well, perhaps not in the current game, but in the future, what
about a volounteer trade union, not about nations, but people

Say that you join a trade union, after that, you only earn say,
66%25 of each trade-run you make, whereas the remaining 33%25 are
divided among the other members of the union.

This wouldnt be of much use for "bigtime" traders, since they'd
gain far less than normally, but it would gain part-time active

There are of course issues with "leeches" who join a tradeunion
and just "collect" without actively trading in any way, but this could well be abolished by both an entry-fee, as well as a
bi-weekly "minimum trade" allotance.

(with the current economy, perhaps 500k each 2 weeks would be a
"minimum"? with a 50k signup ratio??)

of course, this can be solved "user-side" but that doesn't give
accuracy, nor does it give a "truthful" way of handling it, so a
server-side functionality would be preferred.

[EDIT: Readability]
Apr 09, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

that means 2.5 hours of active trading time

hmm, make it a nice round number, maybe 400k, that is then 2 hours.

I wouldn't have anything against that.

OR is the 500k, after you have substracted the 33%25 ??

Apr 09, 2003 Craigus Meridius link


White Magic

But yeah count me in
Apr 09, 2003 Spider link
I figured 500K cause it was a nice and (un)even number, and that
is before you remove 33%25

As for the trading time being 2.5 hours "active" yes, but a lot
of the sk. "target audience" would do some smalltime trading
(running a medium once in a while) as well as those "serious"
runs of 2.5 hours.

Some math to go with this.

say we keep 2/3ds and leave 1/3d for the union.
with a minimum of 500K trade every 2 weeks, and say 12 members
of the union. (not very improbable, is it?)

you earn yourself: ~333k
The union gets: ~166k

And the union share with 12 members, gives each member:
166/11 == 15k .

So, in the end it evens out, if everyone trades "just the same"
amount. now, we dont do that, doing it "all fair and even" isn't
the point of being a member, then you could just trade yourself
and earn your 500k /2 weeks... the "point" is that small-time
traders split up profits some, for the loss of some of your own income, but the gain of earning money at times when you dont
actively trade yourself.

so yes, this isnt a 100%25 fair game, where y o u get as much
money as you put in, but it does provide other advantages for the
group as such.

Combining this with a non-aggression treaty for a union perhaps?

[EDIT: improve readability]
Apr 09, 2003 Spider link
01000101011101100110010101110010 01111001011101000110100001101001
01101110011001110010000001101001 01110011001000000110111001110101
01101101011000100110010101110010 01110011001000000111011101101001
01110100011010000010000001100001 00100000011000110110111101101101
01110000011101010111010001100101 01110010001011100010111000101110
Apr 09, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Euhm, problem is, you will never get that

because, Pirates are always gonna badger you. Only way of allowing to not being had is putting up a piratswatteam.

And naturally, this takes money, for wich you have to do some more boring traderuns.

but it would pay off when there aren't pirates on, or when a lot of the same union are trading. So actual the best is to trade at the same time, because pirats can't kil them all, and if you have a couple of other members stalking the pirates, it's even much easier ;).

just try to establish that, and then it will be profitable ;)

Apr 09, 2003 Spider link
Good points, but also, this allows a set of people who arent
at the same time, the same nation and so on, to trade on
different routes and places, in a way that does limit the
amount of damage you get from pirates.
[edit: fix readability]
Apr 09, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ay, that is true

but on the other side, once that 3.2 will cone out,m then we
will have a lot off sectors "hopefully" and tyhe chance of
countering a pirat will be diminished by a tenfold. The only
rerason why that would be a good idea is for when you have
multiple people on different nations, so you can use them as a
passport for entering otherwise hostile areas, with as
advantage thet it could be that you ammass more money on a

EDIT: to achioeve this outcome, I put mandatory breaklines at
every end of a line, wich is tedious work, but improves
readability ;)


PS: sorry for the non breaklines , but when you post it doesn't
hold the same composure as in the examplepost