Forums » Suggestions


May 03, 2005 samuraijack link
ok, my last posting didn't end up being new info, lets try this one. People who are in really bad standing with a nation are on a kos list. If they are really really bad players or use improper language or some other bad stuff, they can have some teleportation problems. Such as get teleported to a random sector every hour. Or get teleported 5 meters away from the station they have the worst faction standing with. Or when they exit a wormhole, they end up in a random system. Seems really annoying and may deter evildoers from being punished. :)
May 03, 2005 johnhawl218 link
if that were the case, I'd just quit playing or delete the character and start a new one, that's a bad idea.

Did you get jacked a bunch of times while you were playing or something to spur this post, cause it has very little thought in it. Randomly teleporting people thoughout the game? Justify how that happens, other then they have a bad faction rating. How did that faction suddenly teleport someone trillions of miles into the unknown universe? Just doesn't make sense. Wormholes are stable, relatively, and don't jump sectors, so why would they ONLY for people with some arbitrary faction rating that has absolutely nothing to do with wormholes. And, anyone with desent piloting skills can still escape a station filled with a strike force, and more often then not they are the ones doing the bad deeds that you speak of.
May 03, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Why? We all know nice guys finish last...

May 03, 2005 Shapenaji link
Without evildoers, how will you be good?
May 03, 2005 Celkan link
*Miharu reminds players of the Devsend called...

/vote mute <playername>

... where <playername> is a player who is being verbally abusive.

This episode of Miharu's Useful Brainwaves has been brought to you by the Atlas X, Vismetal, and Aeolus Trading Prefectorate.
May 03, 2005 samuraijack link
boy, just thought it would be cool and funny, sorry to offend so terribly. :(
May 03, 2005 JestatisBess link
samuraijack you didn't offend anyone man. Your suggestion is just not pratical at the present time.
But keep the ideas flowing. In time you might come up with something we'll all support.

May 03, 2005 Harry Seldon link
werd. Some ideas just aren't up to snuff, but in giving a lot of different ideas, you may in fact cause somebody else to have a brilliant idea, based on your original idea. Every little bit helps.