Forums » Suggestions

Used ship lot

May 03, 2005 brrbustin link
I would love to see the ability to allow users to sell their ships in game. Like a used ship lot... or at least have one or two stations where you can do that.

And being able to sell the ships fully equipted would be cool too... for a price. ;)
May 03, 2005 johnhawl218 link

I agree that you should be able to sell a ship to a station fully equiped and not have to unequipe it first, but I don't understand why you would want to have s "Used Ships" area. Just sell back and get your money???? Not like ships are rare or hard to get.

Now if they implemented a reward of a ship for killing a wave of bots or a queen, and the ship was unique, then you would need a place to trade/sell it. But not the stock VO ships.
May 03, 2005 Shapenaji link
Well, the nice thing about used ships is that they're unreliable :D. People could get a valk somewhere else, but it might have a number of possible problems (one wep port doesn't work, or drains more energy, 2000 less hull, 10% lower topspeed, etc...) would be great for the black market at corvus.
May 03, 2005 johnhawl218 link
so all level restrictions are null then? that's the only way you can pull that off. If that's the case that could be fun.
May 04, 2005 brrbustin link
Kinda... I am suggesting that you can get around having to get the correct lvls in stations by being able to buy a "used" ship from another player... make it worth Trade XP if (duh, why else would you do this) you make a profit.

Just because some noob is in a Prom doesn't mean that just about any experienced player cant still kill them, and I purpose to make the prices so high that a noob wouldn't be able to purchase them anyhow. This would be more for Traders, Fighters and Pirates who are not close to their home sector, but still wanna get into a Prom, Marauder or Valk and go back to fighting... without having to go back to home space. I know, I know, just type /explode and wind up back at your home station to do this, but getting back to B-8 takes time, and the fun could be over by then.

I am sure that there is MUCH room for refinement on this idea, but hey, thought that I would put it out there.

May 04, 2005 Shapenaji link
Yeah, I was thinking that the levels be near to their actual values, (maybe a used valk at level 6-7) at VERY high prices, nothing that you could buy over and over again.

It would be great, as a pirate, to be able to fly one of these now and again.