Forums » Bugs

CTC route annoyances.

Jan 28, 2005 Spider link
I'm starting to become very fed up with the differences in route length, mostly the 7 kilometer difference between the first sectors, and the complete additional sector that Itani get to attack in, Ukari A-10.

I wish all cargo captures that was taken in Ukari A-10 this week to be withdrawn and the kills of all serco players from entering Edras I2 to be removed from the count in an effort to equalize the stretch by at least some margin.

Frankly, I'm totally fed up with the whole slant of things, and I'm only becoming more and more frustrated.
Jan 29, 2005 Tertior link
and you do not want also 15 days of holidays has Las vegas or Canne for the festival
Frankly, I'm totally fed up with the whole slant of things, and I'm only becoming worse
Jan 29, 2005 NoAddedSugar link
The Serco route is longer in distance

The Serco does not have the advantage of the extra station

UIT starts with a positive Itani reputation and so tend to side with Itani.

Spider: This is known for ages. Did anybody ever hear anything from the devs about it? Else one might think this is intended...

Tertior: I would love to respond to your post, but I did not see your point... It sounds like brabbeling to me... Is this your way to say that spider did not tell the truth? Prove it. You cannot, because he is right? Delete your childrish post.
Jan 29, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
Frankly, given how much harder it is to defend the Serco transport than it is to defend the Itani transport, I'm surprised that the Itani weren't the ones with the 5 week winning streak.
Jan 29, 2005 Spellcast link
I would like to add two other advantages the itani have, both based on the layout of the systems in the universe.

1. The only entrance to itani space is through edras/jallik. To get to divinia a serco raider has to pass through an itani claimed system. Itani raiders can get into serco space via helios, putting them in pyronis without having to spend as much time dodging strike forces.

2. When the itani convoy is destroyed in pelatus, serco players HAVE to go back through bractus, or forward into Edras before they can turn towards home, leaving only 2 Wormholes to cover.
If the Serco convoy is destroyed in Latos, the attackers can go 3 ways, Back to sedina, Into Azek, or forward into Ukari since they can enter UIT space from Ukari as well.

Overall the Itani have more options for attack, and to escape with the cargo.
Jan 30, 2005 Tertior link
Noaddesugar, look Previous week's nation stats: (previous week),and what's you see?
ok it's simple .
Thinks before to talk
If you want more explanation i can but in french only
Itanis has more noob for ex
my english suck hehe and it is not because I have anything has to say that I must close my mouth
It was a Tertior joke in the begining but you dont like my joke , sorry.
it's not my fault if i'm small , ugly and stupid i beg you pardon
Jan 30, 2005 NoAddedSugar link
Sorry about the sentence where i flamed your writing style then.
I obviously did not get the joke (and still do not btw)

You mean because serco won the last week, the route is ok? well that is no argument... really not...

Oh I got it!
You say that it is fair to let the serco have disadvantages in the whole ctc-sentence because Itani should be forced to win by the game-mechanics? Odd.
Jan 30, 2005 Beolach link
Mostly, I'll agree that the routes do give Itani some advantages. But I don't think they're particularly great, and until Itani manage to pull off multiple week wins like Serco have, I'd give that as proof that it is not a deciding factor.

One other quick thing I want to reply to, are Spellcast's points. To the first point, multiple routes gives both advantages & disadvanteges. True, on the Itani route there's no way around Jallik going to Divinia. But, this means that Serco know exactly where people on their way to deliver to Coranis Watch are going, which IMO is far more useful than the option of going through one less red system.

For Spellcast's second point, it also cuts both ways. I have chased people who captured Itani cargo all the way to Latos, and lost them there or in Ukari because I guessed the wrong WH they'd go to. I would admit it's more important at the beginning of the chase, except that the route to Coranis Watch collapses down to a single path at the end. Sure, it's tough to follow them from the beginning, but you KNOW where they have to go, and if you're willing to, you can always catch them at the end.
Jan 30, 2005 Spider link
So because you are generally inept, your best assessment of "defense" is to run after a pilot and whapp a few rounts of tachs at them from your centurion as you boost all you can to keep in line with your transport that gladly pushes the 1500 m distance to the wormhole at 200m/s, things are indeed fair?

Perhaps if the situation was "fair" to start with, the itani would have learned how to defend their transport rather than having to resort to the argument "I can cheat because you'd win if I didn't"

The main annoyances I have are indeed those, the utterly long run through Ukari A-10 (actually, the run through Edras I-2 is about as long, however, that is safe space with Strikeforces...) And the -incredibly- short path the transports need to take in Bractus C-5, Which is usually anihilated completely by the warp-out differences.

Oh, And perhaps a Mute function for the forums that would automatically engage when the argument comes up "I suck with this so everyone else should be nerfed"
Jan 30, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Oh, and perhaps a "Whining" section in this forum.
Jan 30, 2005 ananzi link
When the Itani start winning 5 out of every 6 CtC, then maybe they should get fewer advantages.

Until then, I don't understand what the problem is. They are utterly humiliated, defeated, and depressed. You beat them. You won. You crushed them. Total domination.

What is the big deal?

*scratches head*
Jan 30, 2005 macguy link
Ya really man. I understand that in some ways with the ctc routes the serco are disadvantaged(bad spelling, dont flame me for it), but COME ON! I'm not saying you should be disadvantaged because you guys own ctc everyweek, but what I AM saying is that you guys shouldn't really complain. We could have a 500 cargo lead on a friday night, you'd guys come in saturday morning, and no matter how many itani where online, you'd still win. Untill you start losing due to your "disadvantage" I wouldn't complain about it. It hasn't seemed to be stoping you from winning yet.
Jan 30, 2005 Spellcast link

Look Macguy, Ananzi. This is a BUGS forum. The fact that the routes are significantly different would, IMO be a BUG. The concept of a fair contest implies that the playing field be as level and even as possible.

That we are winning has absolutely no bearing on the fact that the routes are imbalanced. Correcting problems such as this now would seem to me to be a prudent move. It is far easier to correct a bug when there are lower numbers of players involved.

I am not even participating in the CtC at the moment, so I am only interested in what I see as a problem with gameplay balance.

On the note of the 500 cargo lead, I really would also like to see the convoy amounts be more even throughout the week, with peaks and valleys on a rolling 20 hour cycle so that the "peak" times vary. Some of our european players rarely ever see a convoy with more than 10 cargo in it because they dont want to stay up until 4am playing vendetta.
Jan 30, 2005 macguy link
Humm, you're right spellcast.(i'm just tired of losing over and over). But reguardless, it IS a bug. But in order to be fixed, wouldnt universe need to change? I see what you're saying, but how would it be fixed? Make ukari a serco system? I have a better idea, put a serco station in ukari where the wormhole to intros is. Do you agreee spellcast? Since the itani have a worm hole station on the last gray space sytem before their nation space. And as for the peaks and lows of the ctc cargo, yes, it needs to be made so EVERYONE can get in on it, not just people stateside.
Jan 30, 2005 ananzi link
spell cast this aint soccer. there are differences between serco and itani: different ships, different system layout, different amounts of ore, different everything.

if you want it totally fair on everything, then everyone should have not only exactly the same ctc route, but also exactly the same ships, exactly the same number of players, and so forth and so on.

so to get your way...
1. do away with prom, and serco vulture guardian
2. do away with itani centurion ibg, and valkyrie
3. get rid of pyronis/helios route because it provides serco two routes to deliver their ctc cargo, while itani only get one
4. cap the number of serco and itani that can be online at the same time, so its always equal
5. make UIT 0 itani and 0 Serco to start

But in reality when you are in a situation when things are inherently unequal, you judge whether the game is 'fair' or not by how many goals one side is scoring on the other.... not on whether the field is slanted, because nobody is going to agree on which way its slanted...

or did you miss the 95 post thread about how the prom is 'too strong'?
Jan 30, 2005 Spider link
The universe has changed before, so that isn't much of a problem, it could even be made into a gameplay event.
Otherwise, move the starting sector from Sedina to Latos C-2, but that might just cause the same problem in reverse :-/

Personally, I think it would be more interesting gameplay if the station in Edras I-2 was demilitarized and only had station guards, and no strikeforces against "hostile" visitors.
Jan 30, 2005 The Kid link
How about a station in deneb? Well that's a different story so... on this...
Yes the routes are unfair, but so are the roid fields. Edras seems to have more storms than ukari, but serco transports come out a little further from the WH. However the station in initros is pretty close to the WH, so if there is a station added in Ukari, that needs to be moved a little further away. Divina & Jallik seems to have more storms (combined) than Pyronis/Initros. Itani transports are stuck in roids in Edras/Jallik/Divina a lot more. List goes on and on...
Jan 30, 2005 Ghost link
I would say adding a serco station in ukari in the wh sector to serco space is a good idea, i've actually always wondered why they didnt have one. Either that or removing the itani station, although i like the idea of adding a serco one better. My only opposition to your arugment is the two entrances thing. Yes, it provides two routes for itani to get in and out, but its same for serco. I can't tell you how many times ive been trying to intercept a serco carrying itani cargo and have lost him because i went to the normal ctc route wh to serco space while he went through helios. That at least works both ways.
Jan 30, 2005 Spellcast link
Ananzi, the ships are being balanced with each other as we speak. You can have balance without everything being exactly equal, ships that have an advantage in one area can be balanced by being weak in another.

However the fact that the itani can attack the serco transports in one more sector than the serco can attack the itani transports in is not balanced by anything. If the distances in the sectors the transports were crossing was reverses, with the serco transports coming out close to the wormholes and the itani ones ending up farter away, then I wouldn't be upset about the station in edras I-2.

Open your errors.log one day and check the timestamps on the convoys. In general you will find that the itani convoy is in an area that it can be attacked for approximately 3 minutes less than the serco convoy. 3 minutes is a long time in game.

Ghost. I personally would prefer to see the itani station removed, just because that would make the routes longer than if a serco station were added. Longer route = more time for combat along them = more fun.

I'll concede the point about the 2 enterances to pyronis, i can see how that one works both ways. I would hoever like to see UIT space changed a bit so that the wormholes go Dau-Nyrius-Edras and Dau-Versai-Pelatus. I think it would be more entertaining that way.
Jan 30, 2005 macguy link
Ok, oddly enough spellcast, you want it balanced by having a itani station removed, that usually ends up preventing the convoy from being destroyed. Why don't you just ask the itani to give up and law down their wepons. I tried to be fair, put a damn station in the ukari worm hole to intros, don't take away one of the itani's saving graces. They have enough trouble winning as it is.