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absurd profit trade route in dau

Jun 08, 2009 clay link
moving shield turrets in dau to the tpg capitol yields over 17k per unit, this is absolutely absurd for what almost amounts to a completely safe zone. Is there any intent on the part of the development team to fix this, or are uit kos players just hosed, again.
Jun 08, 2009 toshiro link
This issue needs handling ASAP. Devs, please?
Jun 08, 2009 look... no hands link
Don't waste your breath tosh. It was reported the first day. I'd bet my bottom dollar that they've known about it for a while now.

It's also a safe bet that people have already made billions of credits abusing an obvious bug. this reminds me of when tumblemonster made a ton of money abusing a borkage not available to everybody (yes traders, their are people who don't have leveled alts with good uit standing). his profits were taken away.

As for those pea-brains that might say "oh gee, how do you know that this wasn't done on purpose". Well, remember swarm trading in sedina, yea, they made that not as profitable now, didn't they. I thought the Dev team said they wanted to make trading more profitable in Grey than nation space, which is basically a defacto safe area, as I've been pointing out since they introduced the turrets. But hey, that only hurts the awful pirates that 'scare away new players' (oh my god, a game like this might not be for everybody).

I'm also going to guess that the profits from this are not going to be taken away, and although it might be nice to give back the money taken from tumblemonster for his borkage abuse, I'm going to guess that won't happen either. Way to stick it to the pirates again VO. i don't even know why i bother logging in anymore
Jun 08, 2009 incarnate link
Hey great, LNH, let's have lots of more drama and hand-wringing, because that totally helps.

No, We were not aware of it.

Toshiro posted a customer support ticket about 10 minutes ago, and we became aware. We're fixing it now. We'll be removing all of the money made from it.

Posting a web-bug does not, nor has it ever, nor will it ever, immediately contact the developers.

I appreciate everyone who attempted to report this issue, but something immediate like that would be better served with a Customer Support ticket. Web-bugs are checked every week or two. I've discussed the differences elsewhere in the past, but I'll make an effort to update the various pages to be clearer.

LNH can Kiss My Ass.

I think that's self-explanatory.
Jun 08, 2009 Secret Agent Muska link
"LNH can Kiss My Ass"

Rock on, Incarnate :)
Jun 08, 2009 toshiro link
I for one am very glad about the expedience with which you handled this. Nice going!
Jun 08, 2009 davejohn link
"We'll be removing all of the money made from it."

That I think is singularly unfair on any lower level players, who seeing the activity in Dau asked what was going on and tried the routes for themselves.

May I suggest a compromise ? Remove 90 % of the money made from it, that way the profits accrued would be comparable to those achieved by normal trading. That way newer players would not suddenly find themselves penalised for investing time in what would appear to them to be a legitimate activity .
Jun 08, 2009 incarnate link
Your point is a good one, and we'll look into that. It may be somewhat complicated by other factors, but we'll see what we can do.

[EDIT]: And 10% is probably still way-high, considering there was no route dropoff, and you could use adjacent stations.
Jun 08, 2009 Jmvcilus link
Well I think taking the money away would not be very productive. Alot of people are gonna be upset and cry when they log on and all of their money is gone. Although it was an easy route it still took a while to make enough to feel good about the whole experience. I think it was actually good for the game and since there isn't another way to make that much it would really suck to have it taken away. I know I saw some pirates trading and those that complain should have done it too as its obvious they knew about it. I actually thought it was on purpose and a great way to stimulate trading( I have never seen so many people in moths having fun) as is the way it works...something new comes out everyone else wants it and it yeilds a higher profit. You can sign me up on the list of people that would be upset to log on and see something that took me a good couple hours to make and provide me with another means of happiness out of a game that I paid to play suddenly gone and back to before. Just say you worked it out took the money away and don't bother wasting your time taking back anything...just tell the moronic people that sat at the wormhole and cried while their fellow pirates made use of valuable time that they got their way and they will be happy. No need to actually take anything from the traders who never get a break like this..especially with the higher amount of pirate activity.
Jun 08, 2009 look... no hands link
wow, how could you not have heard of it, tgft submitted a bug report the first day, atleast so they claimed. I'm exceedingly pleased to see that the funds will be removed.

Jun 08, 2009 look... no hands link
Oh, how for future reference can we submit a customer support ticket.

I do hope you can see how I'd get more than a little upset when it appears something like this is being ignored.
Jun 08, 2009 incarnate link
jmv: we're removing 99.9%, so we're leaving roughly what you would have accumulated without the bug (likely a bit more than that, even). Your time is not going to waste.

lnh: I stated why we hadn't heard of it in my first post. Customer Support tickets can be found on the left-hand side of your screen, directly under "Your Account".

What irritated me was the quick ramp-up between report and anger. Even if we checked the web-bugs every weekday, which we don't, we still would not have seen the reports until about the same time on Monday (today). Unless you actually see one of us say "Yes, we know and don't care", I don't believe it's justified to ramp up that level of angst. While we attempt to maintain solid support, and are always trying to improve it (by creating mechanics like the Customer Support ticket system).. at the end of the day there aren't very many of us, and we do try to do something other than work on the weekends.
Jun 08, 2009 Shadoen link
Jmvcilus, shut the fuck up.

"No need to actually take anything from the traders who never get a break like this..especially with the higher amount of pirate activity."

Oh the poor little traders, *waaahh waahhh*, poor them. God forbid the devs take their exploited credits away, cause they really deserve them after all their hardships booh hooo hooo. Could someone please think of the traders? Its not like they havent gotten awesome updates to make their life easier!

And yes! Lie to the "moronic" players who chose not to do the exploit and decided to follow the game rules instead! OH LAWLD THOSE STUPID IDIOTS! HOW DARE THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT AN OBVIOUS ABUSE?!?! LOLOLOLOL!!!One!!1!

Yeah! Let them all keep their hard earned credits!! Nevermind the other players who ACTUALLY worked hard for their credits, who gives a fuck? IT WAS GOOD FOR THE GAME.
Nevermind that you dont know shit about economy. IM SURE A LARGE INFLUX OF CREDITS IS JUST WHAT IS NEEDED TO FIX THE GAME'S ECONOMY!!

/end of sarcasm

PS: You sir, are an idiot >:(
Jun 08, 2009 incarnate link
Let's keep it civil and on-topic.
Jun 08, 2009 look... no hands link
Yea, I got a bit overly angry there, though at the time, it appeared that days had gone by between report and hearing anything from you guys about it. So the ramp up in both anger and pessimism was actually over several days. Also, it's been bothering me for a while now how since the border turrets traders mostly hide up in nation space, because well, it's safe (95% of the time).

I do appreciate that there are only four of you guys, I would never have tried something like this with only a few people. And I do have to give you guys credit where credit is due, for only four people, you guys are quite responsive and involved in the players community.
Jun 08, 2009 Shadoen link
Heyyy, it was on-topic, also thought civility flew out the window when you told lnh to kiss your ass...

Aight, Im sorry Inc. I understand this sort of things end up being a pain in the ass for you guys, specially when you not only have to fix the exploit but also have to clean up a lot of mess, which really takes time away from making the game better.

Still, I cant help snapping at idiots like Jmvcilus...
Jun 09, 2009 Jmvcilus link
Wow...I guess that proves my point. :-)
Jun 09, 2009 riddik link
Hey guys i dont want to sound like the complainer but when the devs took money they took way more than they were susposed too im my case i came out about even but in kerias case she had 31 mill+ and ended up with a little over 6 mil this is ridiclous please get it fixed as the player base may have gotten screwed (ie less money than they had before the bug)
Jun 09, 2009 incarnate link

The only cases where that would have happened, is if the player had spent a bunch of the money buying items or giving money to their guild or some other transaction. If they still had enough money left over for us to remove, we removed it from their account.. rather than tracking through the labyrinth of transactions to find where their money had "ended up".

So, basically, if you had 31 million, made another 27 million, then gave that money to your guild or buddies or purchased a ton of ships.. we're going to remove the 27 million from the 31 you still had remaining.
Jun 09, 2009 raybondo link
What I did was take the total amount made by selling Shield Turrets minus the total used to purchase all the Shield Turrets, multiplied the result by .999 and removed that much money. I also tracked deposits they made to guild banks and factored that in.

If anyone feels cheated by this formula, please submit a support ticket and I will review it with them on a case-by-case basis.