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Vendetta Online Wallpapers

Oct 18, 2004 roguelazer link
I have had Crackintosh's Vendetta wallpaper as my screen background for a long time. But, although it is very well composed, it is showing its age. So I put my uber-noob skills to poor use and made my own. Here they are, as they may be.
Oct 19, 2004 AlienB link
Looks cool, but if I may say...

The font needs a little work, it looks kind of boring, I'd put on a little more antialiasing and start with a source image which is as large as you can render at. The "Choose your alignment wisely" should be red/blue/yellow, not RGB.

Sorry, I'm a perfectionist..(on other peoples stuff anyways) They do look great!
Oct 19, 2004 roguelazer link
Heh. I used "Vendetta Chat" font for some of 'em, and various others for others. No real contignuity. :P When I get to my other comp, I'll post the SVG files, and you can all play with it to your heart's content.
Oct 19, 2004 stick link
Simple one:

Got some good ones there, roguelazer.
Oct 19, 2004 MonkRX link
Nice rougelazer.

I currently have these 3 for my desktop backgrounds:

Id put pretty text in them, but I don't have paintshop, and I probably lack the skills anyway. I hate text in backgrounds anyway :P.
Oct 19, 2004 roguelazer link
Actually, mine were all done with Inkscape and the GIMP. :P

I like do you mind if I, um, borrow it?
Oct 19, 2004 MonkRX link
If you place my name all over the roids, space, small stars and the green area, then sure :P

Nah j/k.

If your going to "Borrow" it, I want a small 'RX' on it somewhere, even if its .5 size. :D :D :D :D
Oct 19, 2004 ctishman link
Here's some screens I made back when we were still the Legion of Prometheus. I think I'll update them tonight.

A vulture enjoying planetary landing technology (Super-secret guide add-on? Only time will tell)

Balance is acheived moments before the old universe goes offline for the last time.

It was a bright and stormy day...
Oct 19, 2004 MonkRX link
That gave me a funny feeling inside.
Oct 19, 2004 ctishman link
Which one?
Oct 20, 2004 Morbidly Wrong link
Heres my 2 cents... uh I just grabbed this off of the featured screenshots... so nothing special... I even yanked the vendetta-online logo to put in there... arrrr!


bastards with the reloading... no one acts respectable these days...
Oct 20, 2004 Tyrdium link
You're going to slaughter your bandwidth allowance with that 2.3 meg bitmap... :P
Oct 20, 2004 roguelazer link
/me hits shift-reload over and over again
Oct 20, 2004 red cactus link
/me demands 1280x1024 resolution for all of these pictures!

/me is part of a dying breed!


Edit: especially Rogue's. Some of those are really cool.
Oct 20, 2004 roguelazer link
'cept they're in 1024x768 because this monitor maxes at 1024x768. My 1280x1024-capable monitor broke a desk, and had to be gotten rid of.
Oct 20, 2004 MonkRX link
>>Which one?

All of em. :)

Are there any GIMP tutorials? :S

I need to learn how to use it. Im too dumb to know that the paintbrush like icon paints on an image :P
Oct 21, 2004 roguelazer link
Oct 21, 2004 MonkRX link
Bleh, I can't beleive I missed the tutorial part of

Thanks again....
Nov 24, 2004 jsumners link
Here is one I whipped up real quick --

Sorry, I can't do any better than 1024x768. My monitor limits me to that resolution *sigh*.
Nov 28, 2004 drjonesac2 link
I cant wait to get home. I'm gonna make me some 2048 x 768 wallpapers for us running dual monitors.