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VOFD - Vendetta Online Freedom Discord

Nov 27, 2018 Mi5 link

Free speech and open-dialog welcomed!
Nov 27, 2018 incarnate link
You can have all the off-game, unofficial Discord servers you want, but please limit forum advertisement to Community Projects, and also don't advertise for them on 100 and 1 in-game.

I'll be moving this to Community Projects in a bit.

Also, as a note, you may not have a VO chat relay, as mentioned in the original Discord thread:

Lastly.. you're of course welcome to run your own servers and do your own things, just not with a relay into the game.
Nov 27, 2018 Mi5 link
Where is the original Discord thread? I don't see it anymore. EDIT: I see it now, shame it's locked that's not very helpful, perhaps instead of taking mine(and many others) criticisms as trolling/hate speech you should take what we say into account at minimum. I mean, it's not like certain people haven't had basically free reign over what they say over relay without repercussion. Why is it only the vocal criticizers are targeted as "Toxic", "Dicks", "Unhelpful", "Trolls" and so on, while the abusers who stay silent about you in particular and go as far as supporting/defending some of your past failures get a slap on the wrist at most? I mean really, unless a certain group of players publicly mucks up as bad as to wish my entire family was dead of cancer in 100 or some other blatant EULA/RoC violation, then they MAY get a verbal warning.

You made a strange example in your "response" and made a few quotes, but it doesn't really make sense, the burden of proof is on the person making a claim, not backwards.

I don't expect you to assist me anymore, as there is a clear personal bias that has infected a certain group of users. A lot of people feel that way, that is why they are not interested in using the support ticket system, they don't want to risk "upsetting you" by "wasting your time", and then being at the mercy of the public.

I understand you are human, and make mistakes, we all do, and we are extremely grateful that Guild Software is still operating, that isn't what this is about.

This is about making Vendetta Online the best it can be FOR THE COMMUNITY and the PLAYERS.

What if I use an IRC instead? There are several IRC relays still being used in 100.

Why can't I advertise in 100?
Nov 27, 2018 incarnate link
We're getting rid of all non-official relays. So, no, don't start one from IRC either.

I don't want the spam in 100, and I also don't want confusion for new people over whether it's the official server.

I'm not going to get in the way of Guilds or others from running their own private servers, but one public-facing Official server is enough.

Also, if one were to get banned from the Official server for being a troll, and then tried starting one's own server, with a separate chat gateway, that would obviously be a pretty inane attempt at getting around the rules.
Nov 27, 2018 Mi5 link
I made a tiny edit, re-read and repost.

Also, #rules is empty, that may be part of the reason certain Guides and Moderators are applying multiple sets of rules against multiple sets of people at whim.

What if I made it crystal clear it is UN-official, and posted the advertisement once per day?(Unlike the current spambot in 100 doing it every 15mins) I have no intention of hosting a relay-100 bot.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue either, it's an open-dialogue issue. We need more of it, not less. If myself and Pand can settle our differences and work towards improving ourselves and as a result what is around us and act civil as a result of a single conversation why can't "a certain group of players, guides and moderators"?

Perhaps if we had some more transparency in Guild Softwares finances when it comes to Vendetta Online, and more transparency in things such as development scheduling and data points like player counts then people wouldn't have to "make things up", I know it's a shocking concept, a lack of communication exacerbating minute issues.
Nov 27, 2018 incarnate link
You keep editing your posts every few minutes, and doubling the content every time.
Nov 27, 2018 Mi5 link
Done. I promise this time lol.
Nov 27, 2018 incarnate link
So, this was written in response to your first gigantic post-edit, which is rather off-topic. I linked the RoC originally from #Welcome, and Nihilus re-linked the RoC into #Rules last week.

I'm not really interested in having a public discussion with you about your bad behaviour. It's pretty self-evident. It's not that confusing.

You went onto a public forum of mine, and basically accused me of defrauding my players. Taking their money, not doing any meaningful development, all while laughing at their frustration.

Here's a thought experiment for you: why don't you try going into a nearby restaurant, or grocery store, or bar, with a megaphone, and start claiming how terrible the owners and management are, and see how long that lasts? This forum, and our official Discord server, are private property. That's a fundamental issue you seem to struggle with.

This isn't you saying you don't like the latest game update, or that you wish feature X would be implemented.. this is you completely making up lots of false and inflammatory "information" about our finances and business model, and posting it like it's some kind of legitimate theory, and then demanding to be "proven wrong".

the burden of proof is on the person making a claim, not backwards.

This is what starts to get really cuckoo about your argument. You made a lot of wild claims about our finances and business model, and that we don't give a crap about our players, and when other people said "whatever, that isn't true" and your response is to say "PROVE ME WRONG!". The burden of proof is on you. You're the one making the outlandish accusations, and "making the claim". But then when other people don't want to believe you, you contort things into "prove me wrong!". That's logically bonkers.

But, a week later, you can apparently still type the sentence above without any sense of cognitive dissonance.

Perhaps if we had some more transparency in Guild Softwares finances when it comes to Vendetta Online, and more transparency in things such as development scheduling and data points like player counts then people wouldn't have to "make things up", I know it's a shocking concept, a lack of communication exacerbating minute issues.

Right. Because I won't publicly post everything about my company's finances, potentially jeopardizing any future relationship or business deal, I somehow "force you" to "make things up".

The stuff you really want to know about is actually secret. Contracts all have confidentiality clauses, sometimes with harrowing disclosure terms. The stuff that isn't secret, I only post a limited amount about, because I've been heavily berated by embittered players for "lying" about ship-dates and features, when I'm honestly doing my best.. but simply cannot control unexpected development realities. So, now we have a situation where you get to know what's happening when it's done, for the most part.

I've said elsewhere that I'll probably start posting things further out, on some construct like the Trac, when the development priorities become more predictable. That is true.

But, in no way does the "lack" of that information excuse your behaving like an ass.

I mean, it's not like certain people haven't had basically free reign over what they say over relay without repercussion.

I honestly am not sure what you mean, but I'll assume for the sake of argument that this is about Wash. You know what the difference is between you being a dick, and Wash being a dick? When I say to Wash "Hey man, you really need to stop doing that" he says "Yeah, you're right, sorry" and really makes an effort to stop doing that. Wash today is very different from Wash of a year ago. I don't claim he's perfect, but the difference is self-evident. And, frankly, if he does something bad, I want people to write tickets about it, which is exactly what we told people on the other Discord thread.

As you well know, when people do things badly in-game, or on the relay, or where-ever else, we almost always talk to the individual privately, 1-on-1, to remove public inflammation from the issue. So, frankly, you're choosing to "assume" that others have "free reign", because that assumption is convenient to your viewpoint. It assumes we never talk to anyone.

In Closing: DO NOT advertise your specialty un-official Discord, or forum, or whatever else.. on 1, 100, or any forum other than Community Projects.

I'm locking this now, as it has been taken way off topic, and moving it to Community Projects shortly.