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cargolist redux & targetless - on android

Feb 15, 2017 xXxDSMer link
cargolist redux by keller is spos to be compatible with targetless... and its been some years but I think when both are installed: a cargo list would show up on targetless

it's not doing that

Also: cargolist on android - I do /cargolist to do a cargo scan, if anything outside that cargo scan popup is touched, the entire screen goes unresponsive. Can't even get to chat to type /reload nor hit my droidbutton reload button. End up having to change apps to get vo to reload (and it loads from the very start) which is kinda annoying and quite time consuming
Feb 15, 2017 draugath link
You should be able to press the device's back button to regain control. The only time I know of when this does not work is if you lose focus on an error box.
Feb 17, 2017 xXxDSMer link
does targetless no longer do a cargo list when used with cargolist plugin? or's it just an issue on android?