Forums » Community Projects

Live Voice Communication! —LINK—

Feb 08, 2016 TEMPESTs link
Hi guys

I've just set up a live VO live Voice Channel,
So you can speak live to players anywhere in the world online!

Just follow the link Below!
This is a new channel and the link is only live for 24 hours as a test of demand.
If it proves popular a permanent link can be provided.
Please however keep text chat and live chat clean!

This is an independent channel and has no connection to Vendetta online other than a meeting place for players!
And as a live voice radio link across the world.
Vendetta is not responsible for the use of this channel!

Please use headphones as feedback from some devices can be districting.
Feb 09, 2016 TEMPESTs link
The link above has been updated with a permanent Link

Please get involved and get connected!
Everyone is welcome :-)
Feb 10, 2016 Barktooth link
It seems to be broken, at least for me
Feb 12, 2016 TEMPESTs link
I just tested it and the link is full operational....

But maybe try the link from the general section?
Feb 12, 2016 Barktooth link
Its working now, thanks
Mar 03, 2016 cnaw link
This server doesn't show up anymore. Did you shut it down?