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M.A.I.D. (Mining And Inventory Daemon) Plugin
M.A.I.D. version 1.4
Manage ship cargo, ores and mining. This replaces the AutoJett plugins.
* Automatically jettison items of your choosing (ores, cargo, scrap, etc).
* Jettison items immediately (combat mode) or just before ship is full.
* Time cargo drops to make sure they don't disappear.
* Monitor asteroid temperatures to prevent overheating.
* Review mining and cargo statistics.
Learn more and download at or

Manage ship cargo, ores and mining. This replaces the AutoJett plugins.
* Automatically jettison items of your choosing (ores, cargo, scrap, etc).
* Jettison items immediately (combat mode) or just before ship is full.
* Time cargo drops to make sure they don't disappear.
* Monitor asteroid temperatures to prevent overheating.
* Review mining and cargo statistics.
Learn more and download at or

Awesome plugin.
love it.
still trying to break it
still trying to break it
Great work! Just one thing to note though, the frames and sub-frames don't fit quite as well when using the default interface. :)
Also there are probably thousands of cases in your code where you could have used the special 'self' variable but chose not to for some reason. :p
Also there are probably thousands of cases in your code where you could have used the special 'self' variable but chose not to for some reason. :p
version 1.4 released
Sounds and messages are disabled in combat mode to reduce distractions.
Fix for potential crash when logging in.
Minor UI improvements.
Sounds and messages are disabled in combat mode to reduce distractions.
Fix for potential crash when logging in.
Minor UI improvements.
Version 1.4 won't autojett premium silicate ore even though it's marked to jettison. This is with a BHMII btw.
combat mode jettisons cargo upon a collusion. Is it possible to set the jettison condition only when there is an attacking ship, rather than taking damage?
conflict with targetless: the heat safety warning message dumps several times ot the mission log at once, and attempts to play several copies of the saound byte at once. This is very loud and annoying. Perhaps a simple check to ensure the warning doesn't play more than once every 5 seconds?
I love it. Looooooove it.
Sometimes it gets buggy, drops things, the interface is telling me I'm in not in any drop modes.
combat mode should be 'just never pick up and hold anything at all ever!" that way your ship stays light for the fight. Right?
Need some keyboard options for toggling the eject modes.
I want to see a tutorial of how you made this every time I open it.
Very cool.
Sometimes it gets buggy, drops things, the interface is telling me I'm in not in any drop modes.
combat mode should be 'just never pick up and hold anything at all ever!" that way your ship stays light for the fight. Right?
Need some keyboard options for toggling the eject modes.
I want to see a tutorial of how you made this every time I open it.
Very cool.
I'm having a look at these bugs.
Has anyone else had problems with Silicate Ore? I couldn't reproduce it at all.
I acknowledge that the collision problem is an issue. Having a think about it...
Has anyone else had problems with Silicate Ore? I couldn't reproduce it at all.
I acknowledge that the collision problem is an issue. Having a think about it...
I haven't had any issue with silicate ore: MAID dumps silica on auto-jettison just fine. I also haven't had any other issues with MAID at all - it works perfectly and I haven't seen a single problem from it.
And a big +1 to Lolmega who suggested options to bind keys from within the MAID UI to control the jettison options.
And a big +1 to Lolmega who suggested options to bind keys from within the MAID UI to control the jettison options.
I'm getting a weird bug when mining asteroids above 100K, something triggers MAID to spam me with with the asteroid overheated message, and with the burning sound effect, even though I have neither of those options selected.
I don't see any obvious flaws in the MAID code that would cause this behavior, so I'll try to come up with some specific steps to reproduce it (it's happened to me a few times, now), and let everyone know what I come up with.
...and before anyone says anything to CD about me nuking rocks, let it be known that I do this in the name of SCIENCE! ... *whistles nonchalantly*
I don't see any obvious flaws in the MAID code that would cause this behavior, so I'll try to come up with some specific steps to reproduce it (it's happened to me a few times, now), and let everyone know what I come up with.
...and before anyone says anything to CD about me nuking rocks, let it be known that I do this in the name of SCIENCE! ... *whistles nonchalantly*
Actually, I just dropped in here to report an odd occurrence: I was touring some newbs around in the trident type M and we hit a static queen sector in Dau. The escort entourage went aggro after we tickled them, and all bots came after us. As so many hits were landing at once, I started getting spammed by MAID messages saying my cargo was full (I was carrying a full load of HD beams and other treats as a self-styled newb welcoming comittee), and the client crashed. The trident survived (43% upon re-logging) but one passenger was sent to home station while the other was ejected in sector. I hadn't reported it as a bug since it seemed so possible it was a plugin interaction.
Wonko, see me in my office!
Actually, I just dropped in here to report an odd occurrence: I was touring some newbs around in the trident type M and we hit a static queen sector in Dau. The escort entourage went aggro after we tickled them, and all bots came after us. As so many hits were landing at once, I started getting spammed by MAID messages saying my cargo was full (I was carrying a full load of HD beams and other treats as a self-styled newb welcoming comittee), and the client crashed. The trident survived (43% upon re-logging) but one passenger was sent to home station while the other was ejected in sector. I hadn't reported it as a bug since it seemed so possible it was a plugin interaction.
Wonko, see me in my office!
I managed to fix the 'M.A.I.D: cargo hold is full.' message spam when taking damage with a full cargo hold. It turns out VO fires INVENTORY_UPDATE events for the item ID for your ship every single time you take damage!
I just made the following change:
change main.lua:320 to:
elseif (event == "INVENTORY_ADD" or event == "INVENTORY_UPDATE") and not PlayerInStation() and not (data == GetActiveShipID()) then
Hope that's helpful!
I just made the following change:
change main.lua:320 to:
elseif (event == "INVENTORY_ADD" or event == "INVENTORY_UPDATE") and not PlayerInStation() and not (data == GetActiveShipID()) then
Hope that's helpful!