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How to maximize your Vendetta experience in only 3 lines of Lua:

Jun 26, 2009 kihjin link
Have you been playing Vendetta for some time, only to conclude that you aren't enjoying yourself as much as you could be?
Maybe you are overwhelmed with what Vendetta has to offer?
Are there distractions in the top portion of your screen that reduce your productivity?

Whether you answered yes to any of the above or at all, here's my Lua-3-step program to help you, whether you need it or not, toward becoming a more productive member of the VO community!

1. RegisterEvent((function ()
2. LeaveChannel{100}
4. -- PROFIT!!!

... more plugins, possibly more useful, to come soon
Jun 27, 2009 maq link
There are redundant parentheses in this script!
I'm sure this'll increase loading time by unacceptable amounts of time.
Jun 27, 2009 kihjin link
Optimization is left as an exercise of the user!
Jun 27, 2009 Pointsman link
But if you aren't on 100 then you will not know who deserves to be votemuted!