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MegaHal help?

Jun 19, 2009 Aticephyr link
If this belongs in off-topic... some mod please move it.

I'm playing around on an IRC at work, and would like to have some fun with my coworkers and, erm, "sneak" a MegaHal onto it. Only thing is I have no clue how to get one working. All the code is from 2004 or earlier, not to mention everything I download fails to compile.

Those of you who have megahal's on IRC or elsewhere, mind helping me out a bit?

Jul 22, 2009 Shapenaji link
Ooh, how about a MegaHAL plugin for PM's... I turn off 100, and people start messaging me and getting weird responses, even as I'm fighting! I like it...
Jul 24, 2009 yodaofborg link
Dunno much about MegaHal, but PyBorg is pretty easy to set up, and does pretty much what MegaHal does.