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Trade Assistant (TGFT version)

Jun 07, 2009 vskye link
After the update yesterday, I'm getting the following lua error.

plugins/ta/main.lua:351 attempt to concatenate a nil value
stack traceback:
plugins/ta/main.lua:351: in function 'reset_data'
plugins/ta/main.lua:406: in function 'Show'
plugins/ta/main.lua:424: in function '?'
vo/vo_cmds.lua:12: in function 'func'
vo/vo_event.lua:63: in function <vo/vo_event.lua:61>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
vo/vo_event.lua:87: in function '_do_event'
vo/vo_event.lua:107: in function <vo/vo_event.lua:103>
[C]: in function 'GKProcessCommand'
vo/if_chatlog:lua:94: in function <vo/if_chatlog.lua:54>
(tail call): ?

Jun 07, 2009 Grob link
I have exactly the same problem, but I have been able to use the plug-in for one full day before encountering the issue.
Happens when I invoke the plug-in using /ta

Jun 07, 2009 Grob link
I have found the problem.

It is caused by the introduction by the devs of a new type of trade items, 'turretweapon', for the "Shielding Turret".
Table TA.ui.color just needs a new entry for defining the color for this type of goods; I fixed it in my plugin, it works.

Hope it helps, blacknet.

Jun 07, 2009 vskye link
Thanks Grob, that fixed it for me. :)
Jun 11, 2009 orionrebel link
could someone explain how u actually fix the problem, really interested in getting it working again, thanks
Jun 11, 2009 Grob link
Until this is officially corrected by the author of the plugin in a new downloadable version, you can edit your own plugin - open the main.lua file in a text editor, look for the script chunk below (at the beginning of the file), and edit it to add the line with the -- ADD THIS LINE comment.
If you're not confident with this kind of manipulation, BACKUP YOUR PLUGIN before actually doing the editing...

TA.ui.color = { -- color codes , use rgbtohex(value) to get \127RRGGBB in hex for msg.
ORANGE = '170 170 0',
NORMAL = '255 255 255',
commodities = '40 180 240',
ship = '126 255 128',
lightweapon = '127 127 127',
heavyweapon = '153 153 153',
battery = '255 185 53',
ore = '100 150 127',
mining = '100 150 0',
turretweapon = '200 150 0', -- ADD THIS LINE
seltextcolor = "0 0 128",
--unseltextcolor = "255 255 255",
Jun 11, 2009 orionrebel link
this works great, thanks for the time and effort for the post.
Jun 12, 2009 blacknet link
So the new items are a new class? Suppose I should have a catch all filter in place for other stuff like that. I will get a fix for this today hopefully.
Jun 12, 2009 blacknet link
ok here is version 1.11. I fixed it so any more items rolls out like that it will stick it in an uncolored section if it's not in compliance format of the other items (which is more and more the case)
Jun 12, 2009 vskye link
Thanks for the update!
Jun 19, 2009 vskye link
Ok, since the update last Friday I've been getting weird jumping while mining. (progress bars pause, basically a lot of stuff)

So today I did some testing and removed all my plugins and then added them back one at a time, doing a /lua ReloadInterface() after each. Everything went fine until I added TA again. I really don't know why its doing it, but it is very repeatable here.

This is with the current version 1.11 btw.
Jun 21, 2009 blacknet link
Jumping while mining?
Jun 21, 2009 vskye link
Yes, like the beam progress bars pause along with the beams.. everything lags and jumps around graphically. It also screws with the whole client so your mouse click doesn't even register to stop mining. As a example, when testing this out, with ta installed I went to a roid right outside the station... just hit the brakes while still on throttle started mining.. next thing I know I can't do crap, keys not responsive.. by the time I can get control back I'm 200m away from the roid I started at after bouncing off a few others first.

Like I said, everything works great without ta installed.
Jun 29, 2009 blacknet link

new version. The problem is with the best price routine. Mining triggers it each and every time you mine 1 cu of ore. It's a very disturbing way to handle that event and I am not sure why it's setup like that. Esp with no way to tell if you are in mining mode or not. For now I have disabled all best price stuff until I can sort it out.
Jun 29, 2009 vskye link
Thanks for the update, as usual. :)
Aug 05, 2009 ChaoSnake link
Does the Latest Version of TA have an Ore tab, so you can see what ores you have scanned and where you scanned them?
Aug 05, 2009 maq link
That's targetless not TA
Aug 05, 2009 ChaoSnake link
They should include an ORE tab like in targetless. You have to be in the same sector to find which roids you have scanned with targetless.
Aug 06, 2009 maq link
No, targetless does have an option to browse other sectors, tho it's not particularly useful.
Not sure what you'd want ta to display there either, since it doesn't record roid contents, and replicating functionality from tls seems like a waste of time.
Nov 18, 2009 raydeejay link
Can I take a look at v1.11? Maybe I can figure out some way around this best price problem :)