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The VO User Tracker Applescript

May 17, 2005 jdigital link
I often find myself refreshing the "Active Players" page to see if a user has logged on yet. To make this process simpler, I recently created an applescript for use on Mac OS X that opens this page in Safari, and refreshes it every 60 seconds in order to check if a user has logged on yet. You can, of course, collapse the Safari window into the dock, so it doesn't get in the way, and the script will still function fine. When the user logs on, it will display a dialog box notification in the Finder.

You can get information about the app, see the source code, and download it here:
Jun 06, 2005 LeberMac link
Got it.
I love this script.
Jun 09, 2005 smittens link
Doesn't work for me. It opens safarri then says "cannot find //docu" or something like that
Jun 09, 2005 jdigital link
That's what it's supposed to do at first. Leave it be, and it will work in a couple more seconds. It has delays to ensure that it works on slow computers where Safari takes a while to start up.
Jun 09, 2005 smittens link
Okay, then it says "SomethingSomethingError: 4" and I can click "Edit" or "Okay" IS that suposed to happen?
Jun 09, 2005 jdigital link
Ah, then that really is an error. Why don't you try opening the Vendetta Active Players page in Safari before starting the script, that way it will have no problem finding the player list.
Jun 10, 2005 smittens link
Working now. So it gives a notice when the user logs on? What about off? And if you open it again will it track two users at once?
Jun 10, 2005 jdigital link
You can probably open multiple instances of the script to track more than one user, although I haven't tested it. It only notifies when the user logs on, since I originally intended it more as a notification as to when I should log in if I was waiting for another player.
Jun 11, 2005 greengeek link
If you like this, check out the VOBuddy program created by jjoonathan here:
Aug 07, 2005 RelayeR link
Interesting bug with this script disables my "a" key. (Mac OS 10.3.9)
Aug 18, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
I though of something like this earlier, never posted or tried to implement. Could the script be modified to automatically save the info on the active players page every X seconds?