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I am cool!

Mar 10, 2005 genka link
And I would like to make you cool too!

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you become cool:

The command to turn off you hud is /hudtoggle. I won't tell you how to turn it back on, because a hud is NOT COOL.

The command to get into third-person view is probably something like /viewtoggle. I dunno, I just hit F2... Anyway, third person is a bit of a tricky view mode. On a standard (75) field of view setting your bus will take up almost a sixth of your screen. The solution is to /set fov 100 or so, but that's not a very lasting solution, since pressing i at any point will reset your view back to 75º. Even if you're just typing in ze chat window. The obvious choice is to make your own zoom bind with the wanted values. I myself like 110, but everything works quite well up to 130, at which point the sides get a bit too blurry. 95 is the point where you will barely get any distortion, but that's rather too small. It just makes it harder to find people.

Anyway, do these two simple things and you're practically cool! Flying a bus makes you actually cool! Weee!

Some more things to keep in mind:

People are all over!
The biggest problem about going hudless is that people are now a lot harder to find. The large fov might help a bit, but don't expect it to help you all that much. Fortunately, targeting people still works, so if you're wondering who that purple vult is, face him or her and hit b. What's that? Not target info?!? You mean you didn't hit k right after?!? NEWB. Another helpful thing is that when people shoot at you, you can usually tell where their shots are coming from! So, if you're fighting someone and they suddenly disappear, don't despair! Dodge erratically and wait for a shot!

The radar is more useful than it looks!
Aside from people now being extra-hard to find, hudlessness also takes away your ability to see fun things like rockets and mines. Mind you, the homing beep that homers make is actually made by the hud, so the only clue you might have to being tracked is the tell-tale WOOOOOOOOOSH that seems to never leave you alone. At least there's that wooooosh. Mines are entirely silent and fairly immobile (lightning balls aside) and as such are probably the biggest non-glowing threat to your well-being. You can probably spot them when they're first dropped, but running into them afterwards is a real danger.

The radar is not as necessary as it might seem!
A major issue with a lack of hudlessness is that you can no longer see the wormholes! Thankfully, traderbots are perfectly willing to go through them invisible wormholes and light them up for ya. Sometimes people are that nice too. In general, just sit around long enough and someone will warp through and show you the wormhole.

Good news at last!
Being in third person and all, you can now more deftly avoid pointy rocks! Also, knowing exactly where your ship begins and where it ends is quite useful in dodging fun things like tachs and blue ions. Weee!

I might add more later, but then again... I might not! DUN-DUN-DUN!
Mar 10, 2005 sc4r4b link
Someone forgot to take their meds today...

I'm cool because I get to go see nine inch nails in May! Yay me!
Mar 10, 2005 roguelazer link
You can set the default fov in config.ini...
Mar 10, 2005 Hoax link
I'm cooler cause my friend Sausage is playing with NIN.

OK he's not my friend but I see him a couple times a year and he talks to me.

Genka is my friend though! That beats somone named Sausage any day.

Ed. You can recognize Sausage by his Mac tattoos. He has a Sad Mac and a Dead Mac on his arms and the power symbol on the back of his neck.
Mar 10, 2005 epadafunk link
im cool now!

/me cant wait to show off his coolness
Mar 10, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
Capn' the ship can't take much more of this!
Mar 15, 2005 Aeternalis link
Way off topic.

sc4r4b, are you going to Coachella?

If so, *ENVY*. O_o
Mar 18, 2005 Katarn link
Hahahaha n00b... that's the dumbest idea you've come up with :P

. . .

Thumbs up from me!
Mar 18, 2005 sc4r4b link
Nope... I have too many responsibilities that keep me from going to Coachella. :(
Mar 18, 2005 paedric link
Aeternalis, is it actually possible to be off topic in the Off Topic forum?
Mar 18, 2005 Katarn link
Sure Paedric, just post a bug here :P
Mar 19, 2005 paedric link
But then it would be off topic, so no worries. :-p
Mar 19, 2005 Tyrdium link
But what if you were on topic? :P
Mar 19, 2005 harvestmouse link
n00b is so cool *shiny eyes.
Mar 20, 2005 paedric link
If you're on topic, you obviously shouldn't be posting in Off Topic, now should you? :-p pvffffffffttttt!!!
Mar 20, 2005 Spellcast link
Mar 20, 2005 Tyrdium link
Ah, but if you were on topic in Off Topic, you would be off topic. Which, in Off Topic, would be on topic. Therefore, you'd be off topic, since you're in Off Topic... :-D
Mar 20, 2005 Aeternalis link
You guys have read way too much into this On Topic - Off Topic thing.

... stop thinking! It hurts! Give me my weekend back! :(
Mar 20, 2005 Katarn link
I am a banana!
Mar 21, 2005 paedric link
You certainly are.