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troll thread

Feb 25, 2005 Tyrdium link

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Feb 25, 2005 ananzi link
Dude, first of all


coca cola was invented by the CIA to keep the black man down, to devastate the housing projects with crack babies and violent murdering drug gangs, because too many blacks were getting ahead in life after the triumph of the civil rights movement.


second of all, 'mommie dearest' used to be on the coca cola board. or was it the pepsi board? anyways, that kind of child beating cannot be condoned and thats why we should protest coca cola. and pepsi. they are really owned by the same corporation, did you know that?


third of all, i cant help it if the devs live in america. they are big boys and should have moved to canada by now, just like responsible americans such as slashdot editor michael sims, a very responsible and even headed individual.

in order to stop coca cola, we just might have to give up some things. personal sacrifice, like president bush says. whats up with this thread. dont you people love freedom?


godsize you have many reasonable points. maybe vendetta should try to be like NASCAR. we already have the misoginy, swearing, and drinking. all we need to add is the possibility that participants will die in a horrific fireball and take out a few fans while they are at it.

as for the iraq war, actually you can very well force me to believe what you believe. thats the whole point of war in the first place. sheesh!
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link
LOL' exactly what I was hoping for ananzi. Thank you.
Feb 25, 2005 ananzi link
by the way, i tried twice to start a 'positive' thread, listing all the bugs that ppl had reported that had been fixed.

nobody posted in it!
Feb 25, 2005 Forum Moderator link

Please read the Wiki link. I'm afraid you've missed the point. There's a game afoot in this thread. At this point I'm not sure if Godsize lost after all...or maybe I have.
Feb 25, 2005 Tyrdium link
"... slashdot editor michael sims, a very responsible and even headed individual. "

Mod parent +5 teh funnay!
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link
Naw, you didn't lose Forum Mod, just assumed. IF someone did 'lose', we all know who it was.

You know what they say can happen when you assume. *nudge, nudge. wink wink, say no more*
Feb 25, 2005 Snax_28 link
Oh god Ananzi, your speaking for us Canadians?

Ok my turn....

Coca-cola USED to have Cocaine in it. It no longer does. And your claim that it was a tool to keep black americans down is grossly untrue. Coca-cola stopped using coca extracts in their product in 1929. Not that I'm standing up for the world's best loved bubbly brown sugar water, I think its gross, and it gives me a headache. I'll stick to my usual routine of four pots and a gram a day :P

As far as the Devs living in America, when they should have moved to Canada? Why the hell are people so bent on encouraging Americans to move to Canada? A: Canada is only mildy more liberal minded these days than the states, and in many aspects falls short of the quality of social programs that the States has (at least in BC where I live, which, if you care to, you can flame all you want Anazi, you sound like a Toronto kid to me :P). Our rich vs poor ratio is as bad as many third world countries. People seem to think that Trudeau is still alive.

And one more thing for you.

"id also like to point out that the linux and mac 'bug threads' together have about 10 times as many posts in them as the windows thread...we should destroy the mac and linux branches of the game"

"ban americans from playing the game, in order to"

Bad troll, baaaaad.

To Godsize dWo:

Regarding the NHL, I disagree. I think it is BECAUSE the NHL decide to try and seduce casual hockey fans, that it is in the place where it is right now. Look at the teams that lose money. Pheonix, Tampa Bay, Nashville!!! There are very, very few "hardcore" hockey fans in these places. Bring it back to 20ish teams. Canada and the northern half of the States. Then it will do just fine.

Edit: oops, forgot to add my name....Gavan!
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link

I see your point in regards to the NHL. You have a point there, but you kind of also proved my point in an indirect way. Those markets that have few Hardcore NHL fans are losing money, due to the fact that the NHL caters to it's hardcore fans and not the casual fans. IF the NHL were to gear it's game towards the casual fan more, then those markets you mentioned would not show a loss. They show gains in almost every other major sport those markets have teams in.

However Snax, your point is an interesting one to consider.
Feb 25, 2005 Snax_28 link
Right, I need to proof read my post a bit more before submitting. I guess they could do well to market the game towards the casual fans you might find in the souther states. But I don't think that the teams down there can survive without the "hardcore" fan base. They are the ones who buy the seasons tickets. The ones who buy the jerseys, etc, etc. (If you exclude the corporate schmoozers of course).

And of course, I'm biased. I live in Canada and would like to see nothing more than said teams fail miserably and re-relocate back to where they belong! and free up some very talented players who should be playing for Vancouver!!

Feb 25, 2005 genka link
Consider this:
Flibbly, wabbly, with an apple on top.

In addition!
Gobbly, bobbly, hambugiddystuup.

And lastly,
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link
You are right Snax, they could not survive without hardcore fans, nor can they without casual fans. You need a mix of both in any business to survive. The hardcore fans/supporters will stick with you thick and thin, and the casual fans/supporters will supply the additional revenue to keep you afloat.

However the point is mute, as Genka is indeed correct! Nothing else needs to be said imo. :)
Feb 25, 2005 Tyrdium link
genka, that seriously rocked. Thanks for the link. :D

Oh, and it's "the point is moot", by the way. :P
Feb 25, 2005 Spellcast link
excellent genka.
Feb 25, 2005 genka link
Godsize, it's very refreshing to see a target take the point so well. Thanks for that.
Feb 25, 2005 Forum Moderator link
According to several sources (although not Coke, who is mum as near as I could tell), Coke still uses an extract from the coca leaf, but there is no cocaine involved.
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link

You learn after many years of playing MMORPG's not to take the game or others too seriously. You also learn that the opinions of people you may never meet face to face have of you mean very little. (/me grins) However, that link was funny stuff.


I thought that's what it was, but it didn't look right when I typed it. Thanks for confirming it.
Feb 25, 2005 genka link
Funny, you SAY you learn all that, but you sure as hell don't act like it...

PS: Munch, munch, munch.
Feb 25, 2005 Tyrdium link
Heh, no problem. ;-)
Feb 25, 2005 godsize_dwo link
Maybe to you it doesn't look like it Genka.

*Tosses the goat another can to eat* :)