Forums » Off-Topic
Headless Individual Valk drivers : the headless truck driver
the headless truck driver : decapitated 19-wheelers
decapitated 19-wheelers : 15-wheelers
15-wheelers : 4-wheelers
4-wheelers : a table with wheels on it
a table with wheels on it : rolling chairs
rolling chairs: Roller Coaster
Roller Coasters : puke
puke : blow chunks
blow chunks : cambles chunky soup
cambles chunky soup : steak & potato
steak & potato : bangers and mash
bangers and mash: mash potato
mash potato : german grenade
german grenade : panzerfaust
...BOOOOOOM!!!! [ newbie was killed by 1337's panzerfaust ]
...BOOOOOOM!!!! [ newbie was killed by 1337's panzerfaust ]
panzerfaust : potato masher
potato masher : Low Earth Orbitting (LEO) Satellite Antenna
Low Earth Orbitting (LEO) Satellite Antenna : Low-budget NASA project
btw: a character in ringworld : Louis Wu, Nessus, Speaker-to-Animals/Chmeee, Teela Brown, Valavirgillin, Halrloprillalar, Seeker (pick any one)
btw: a character in ringworld : Louis Wu, Nessus, Speaker-to-Animals/Chmeee, Teela Brown, Valavirgillin, Halrloprillalar, Seeker (pick any one)
Low-budget NASA project : Fake moon landing
Actually, I don't believe the moon landing was a fake. But it was the only thing I could think of.
Actually, I don't believe the moon landing was a fake. But it was the only thing I could think of.
Fake Moon LAnding : Conspiracy Theory
Very good Celkan, a tad late but very good.
Very good Celkan, a tad late but very good.