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Faille made half of this:
The "old" half, and the playground equipment and carpark in the "new" half were made by me.
The traffic's a lot worse these days.
Pretty sweet Faille, how long did it take? Can I borrow it for a D&D campaign?!
About 300-400hrs of actual modeling, and about 50-60 hrs pouring over old maps and photos for accuracy. All the building designs and (most) signage etc are accurate, (kind of, as the maps/pics were from 1960 to 1968, so its not specific to any particular date within that period) but the photos were all black and white, so the colours were guesstimated. It's now the property of the Melbourne Museum, so sadly no D&D games can be played on it. Plus, if memory serves the scale is about 1:300, so D&D mini's would be giants.
You the curator, Faille?
No, it was a commission job. I haven't been to the Melbourne Museum since I was a kid. Last I saw of that model was when I packed it into a crate and helped to delivery guys load it.