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Harry Potter.. My way.

Nov 16, 2003 Urza link
After gettting the idea of making wand = wang, i D/Led the second book and changed it around. here are the results. No other words have been changed

All Harry's spellbooks, his wang, robes, cauldron, and top-of-the-line Nimbus Two Thousand broomstick had been locked in a cupboard under the stairs by Uncle Vernon the instant Harry had come home.

Mrs. Weasley came to a halt in front of them, her hands on her hips, staring from one guilty face to the next. She was wearing a flowered apron with a wang sticking out of the pocket.

Ron's magic wang was lying on top of a fish tank full of frog spawn on the windowsill, next to his fat gray rat, Scabbers, who was snoozing in a patch of sun.

"Dunno how Mum and Dad are going to afford all our school stuff this year," said George after a while. "Five sets of Lockhart books! And Ginny needs robes and a wang and everything .....

Mr. Weasley took Harry's glasses, gave them a tap of his wang, and returned them, good as new.

in a tiny junk shop full of broken wangs, lopsided brass scales, and old cloaks covered in potion stains they found Percy

Ron unlocked the cavernous trunk with a series of taps from his wang.

"Check that no one's watching," said Ron, starting the ignition with another tap of his wang.

Ron let go of the steering wheel completely and pulled his wang out of his back pocket
"STOP! STOP!" he yelled, whacking the dashboard and the windshield, but they were still plummeting, the ground flying up toward them

"My wang," said Ron, in a shaky voice. "Look at my wang -" It had snapped, almost in two; the tip was dangling limply, held on by a few splinters

"Come back!" Ron yelled after it, brandishing his broken wang.
"Dad'll kill me!"

all he managed to do was give his beetle a lot of exercise as it scuttled over the desktop avoiding his wang.

Ron was having far worse problems. He had patched up his wang with some borrowed Spellotape, but it seemed to be damaged beyond repair. It kept crackling and sparking at odd moments, and every time Ron tried to transfigure his beetle it engulfed him in thick gray smoke that smelled of rotten eggs.

"Write home for another one," Harry suggested as the wang let off a volley of bangs like a firecracker.

"Oh, yeah, and get another Howler back," said Ron, stuffing the now hissing wang into his bag. "
"It's your own fault your wang got snapped -"

He rolled up his sleeves, brandished his wang, and bellowed

It had absolutely no effect; one of the pixies seized his wang and threw it out of the window

Ron plunged his hand into his robes, pulled out his wang, yelling, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" and pointed it furiously under Flint's arm at Malfoys face.

A loud bang echoed around the stadium and a jet of green light shot out of the wrong end of Ron's wang, hitting him in the stomach and sending him reeling backward onto the grass.

Harry was just reading "Lesson One: Holding Your wang (Some Useful Tips)" when shuffling footsteps outside told him Filch was coming back.

Dumbledore was now muttering strange words under his breath and
tapping Mrs. Norris with his wang but nothing happened: She
continued to look as though she had been recently stuffed.

Ron was still in a very bad temper and kept blotting his Charms homework. When he reached absently for his wang to remove the smudges, it ignited the parchment

Nice loud howl, Harry - exactly - and then, if you'll believe it, I pounced - like this - slammed him to the floor - thus with one hand, I managed to hold him down - with my other, I put my wang to his throat -I then screwed up my remaining strength and performed

"No - don't -" said Harry weakly, but Lockhart was twirling his wang and a second later had directed it straight at Harry's arm.

school seemed to be packed beneath it, all carrying their wangs and looking excited

Then they raised their wangs like swords in front of them.

"As you see, we are holding our wangs in the accepted combative
position," Lockhart told the silent crowd

Both of them swung their wangs above their heads and pointed them
at their opponent; Snape cried: "Expelliarmus!"

"Well, there you have it!" he said, tottering back onto the platform. "That was a Disarming Charm - as you see, I've lost my wang - ah, thank you, Miss Brown

"Now, Harry," said Lockhart. "When Draco points his wang at you,
you do this.

He raised his own wang, attempted a complicated sort of wiggling
action, and dropped it. Snape smirked as Lockhart quickly picked it up, saying, "Whoops -my wang is a little overexcited -"

"What, drop my wang?"

The end of his wang exploded.

Snape stepped forward, waved his wang

"Arthur Weasley loves Muggles so much he should snap his wang in
half and go and join them," said Malfoy scornfully

Riddle scrambled to his feet, looking after it; he raised his wang, but the huge boy leapt on him, seized his wang, and threw him back down, yelling, "NOOOOOO!"

"Let me at him," Ron growled as Harry and Dean hung onto his arms. "I don't care, I don't need my wang, I'm going to kill him with my bare hands -"